This page will be refined shortly. At the moment it has a brief description and a selection of papers.
1984b The Mathematics Curriculum and the Micro, Mathematics in School, 13, 4 7-9.
1985e Arithmetic with large numbers [article and computer program], Micromath, 1, 2 48-50.
1986b Drawing implicit functions, Mathematics in School, 15, 2 33-37.
1986c Powerful functions on a modern micro, Micromath, 2, 1 19-23.
1986d (with Michael Thomas) Playing algebra with the computer, Exploring Mathematics with Microcomputers (ed. Nigel Bufton) C.E.T., 59-74.
1986h Using the computer as an environment for building and testing mathematical concepts: A tribute to Richard Skemp, in Papers in Honour of Richard Skemp, 21-36, Warwick.
1986l Talking about fractions, [article and computer program] Micromath, 2, 2 8-10.
1986m The complementary roles of short programs and prepared software for mathematics learning, Bulletin of the I.M.A., 23, 128-133.
1986n A paradigm for developing the use of computer technology in mathematics education, I.D.M. Bielefeld, Occasional Papers 83.
1986o My teacher's car's an old banger, Micromath, 1, 36.
1987b The reality of the computer in the secondary mathematics classroom, Mathematics in School, 16, 1 44-45.
1987e Graphical Packages for Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Informatics and the Teaching of Mathematics, (ed. Johnson D.C. & Lovis F.), North Holland, 39-47.
1987f (with F.R. (Joe) Watson) Computer languages for the mathematics classroom, Mathematical Gazette, 71, 275-285.
1988a Seeing is Believing, Voordrachten en Werkgroepen van het Vijfde Congres Van de Vlaamse Vereniging Wiskunde Leraars Neerpelt , Juli 1987, 221-240.
1988d Mathematics 15-19 in a Changing Technological Age, Senior Secondary Mathematics Education, (ed. Jan de Lange, Michiel Doorman), OW&OC Utrecht, 2-12.
1988g (with Bernard Winkelmann) Hidden algorithms in the drawing of discontinuous functions, Bulletin of the I.M.A., 24 111-115.
1988h (with John Mills) From the Visual to the Logical, Bulletin of the I.M.A. 24 11/12 Nov-Dec, 176-183.
1989c (with Michael Thomas) Versatile Learning and the Computer, Focus, 11, 2 117-125.
1989d (with Michael Thomas) Verbal Evidence for Versatile Understanding of Variables in a Computer Environment, Proceedings of P.M.E., Paris, volume 3, 213-220.
1989e Concept Images, Generic Organizers, Computers & Curriculum Change, For the Learning of Mathematics, 9,3 37-42.
1990a Using Computer Environments to Conceptualize Mathematical Ideas, Proceedings of Conference on New Technological Tools in Education, Nee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore, 55-75.
1990e (with John Mills & Michael Wardle) A quartic with a thousand roots, Mathematical Gazette, 74, 339-346.
1990f The Reality of the Computer in the Classroom, in Fraser R and Dubinsky E (Eds), Computers and the Teaching of Mathematics, Shell Centre, Nottingham, 32-38.
1991d DIY Mathematics Tools, MicroMath, 7 1, 41-42.
1991g (with Norman Blackett) Gender and the Versatile Learning of Trigonometry Using Computer Software, PME15, Assisi, 1 144-151.
1992g (with John Mills) Modelling Irrational Numbers in Analysis using Elementary Programming, The Mathematical Gazette, 76, 243-250.
1992i Conceptual Foundations of the Calculus, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on College Mathematics Teaching, 73-88.
1992j (with Beverly West) Graphic Insight in Mathematics, The influence of computers and informatics on mathematics and its teaching, (ed. Cornu, B., & Ralston, A.) UNESCO, Paris, 117-123.
1993h Real Mathematics, Rational Computers and Complex People, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Technology in College Mathematics Teaching, 243-258.
1993i Interrelationships between mind and computer: processes, images, symbols, Advanced Technologies in the Teaching of Mathematics and Science (ed. David L. Ferguson), New York: Springer-Verlag, 385-413.
1993j Computer environments for the learning of mathematics, Didactics of Mathematics as a Scientific Discipline - The State of the Art, ed R. Biehler, R. Scholtz, R. W. Sträßer, B. Winkelmann. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 189-199.
1993k Students' Difficulties in Calculus, Plenary Address, Proceedings of Working Group 3 on Students' Difficulties in Calculus, ICME-7, Québec, Canada, 13-28
1994c (with John Monaghan & Shyashiow Sun), Construction of the Limit Concept with a Computer Algebra System, Proceedings of PME 18, Lisbon, III, 279-286.
1994d (with Lillie Crowley & Michael Thomas), Algebra, Symbols, and Translation of Meaning, Proceedings of PME18, Lisbon, II, 240-247.
1994f Calculus and Analysis. In Dina Tirosh (Ed.), Mathematical Topics of Instruction, in T. Husen & T. N. Postlethwaite, (Eds.) The International Encyclopaedia of Education, Second Edition, Pergamon Press. pp. 3680-3681, 3686.
1995a Visual Organizers for Formal Mathematics. In R. Sutherland & J. Mason (Eds.), Exploiting Mental Imagery with Computers in Mathematics Education. Springer-Verlag: Berlin.52-70.
1995e Mathematical Misconceptions and Music of the Spheres (Inaugural Lecture). In E. M. Gray (Ed.), Thinking about Mathematics and Music of the Spheres, Mathematics Education Research Centre, Warwick, 42-52
1996f (with Phil Demarois), Facets and Layers of the Function Concept, Proceedings of PME 20, Valencia, 2, 297-304.
1996h (with Marcia Pinto), Student Teachers' Conceptions of the Rational Numbers, Proceedings of PME 20, Valencia, 4, 139-146.
1998c Information Technology and Mathematics Education: Enthusiasms, Possibilities & Realities. In C. Alsina, J. M. Alvarez, M. Niss, A. Perez, L. Rico, A. Sfard (Eds), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seville: SAEM Thales, 65-82.
2000g Technology and Versatile Thinking In Mathematical Development. In Michael O. J. Thomas (Ed), Proceedings of TIME 2000, (pp. 3350). Auckland, New Zealand.
2000h Biological Brain, Mathematical Mind & Computational Computers (how the computer can support mathematical thinking and learning). In Wei-Chi Yang, Sung-Chi Chu, Jen-Chung Chuan (Eds), Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Chiang Mai, Thailand (pp. 320). ATCM Inc, Blackwood VA. ISBN 974-657-362-4.
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