TCC Tropical Geometry Schedule
Term 1

The following is an outline of the course, which will be updated as the course progresses. Guides to the topic we will cover in any given week are only approximate.
The notes are the unedited output from the smart board, so may contain errors, or be unreadable (and are almost certainly useless for anyone who didn't attend the lectures unless they want to laugh at my inability to write legibly on this board!).
Return to the main module webpage.

Week (date of lecture) Topics Sections Homework Notes
1 10/10 Introduction HW 1 Lecture 1
2 17/10 Fundamental theorem and structure theorem HW 2
(Q2 and 3 can only be answered after Lecture 4)
Lecture 2
3 24/10 Proofs Gröbner complex survey HW 3 Lecture 3
4 31/10 More proofs and tropical curves and hypersurfaces Lecture 4 (Note that there is a gap that was explained on paper while the smartboard was down at the start of the "drawing plane curves").
5 7/11 Balancing condition and computing tropical varieties HW 4 Lecture 5
6 14/11 Examples: Linear spaces and Grassmannians HW 5 Lecture 6
7 21/11 Toric connections Lecture 7
8 28/11 Tropical curves and Riemann Roch HW 6 Lecture 8
9 5/12 Enumerative geometry