Week |
(date of Monday) |
Topics |
Sections |
Homework |
Event |
1 |
1/10 |
Introduction, Euclidean geometry |
1.1-1.2 |
HW1 (due Th 11/10 12pm)
Solutions |
First class Tuesday No class Wednesday. |
2 |
8/10 |
Euclidean geometry |
1.3-1.12 |
HW2 (due Th 18/10 12pm)
Solutions |
3 |
15/10 |
More Euclidean geometry (frames classification of motions of E^2, E^3) |
1.13-1.15 |
HW3 (due Th 25/10 12pm)
Solutions |
4 |
22/10 |
Euclidean geometry (sample theorems, composition of motions) |
1.16, Ch 2 |
HW4 (due Th 1/11 12pm)
Solutions |
5 |
29/10 |
Spherical geometry |
Ch 3. |
HW5 (due Th 8/11 12pm)
Solutions |
6 |
5/11 |
Spherical and hyperbolic geometry |
Ch 3 |
HW6 (due Th 15/11 12pm)
Solutions |
7 |
12/11 |
Hyperbolic geometry |
Ch 3 |
HW7 (due Th 22/11 12pm)
Solutions |
8 |
19/11 |
Hyperbolic geometry, Affine geometry |
Ch 3, Ch 4 |
HW8 (due Th 29/11 12pm)
Solutions |
9 |
26/11 |
Affine geometry, projective geometry |
Ch 4, Ch 5 |
HW9 (due Th 6/12 12pm) (Typo corrected
in B3 and B4).
Solutions |
10 |
3/12 |
Projective geometry, Groups |
Ch 5, Ch 6 |