MA243 Schedule
Term 1

The following is an outline of the course, which will be updated as the course progresses. Guides to the topic we will cover in any given week are only approximate. References to sections are to the lecture notes obtainable from the undergraduate office, which are extracted from Reid and Szendrői.

Important note about homework solutions: There are almost certainly mistakes in the homework solutions posted (though hopefully these are mostly minor typos). Please let me know as soon as you notice a mistake.

Week (date of Monday) Topics Sections Homework Event
1 1/10 Introduction, Euclidean geometry 1.1-1.2 HW1 (due Th 11/10 12pm)
First class Tuesday
No class Wednesday.
2 8/10 Euclidean geometry 1.3-1.12 HW2 (due Th 18/10 12pm)
3 15/10 More Euclidean geometry (frames classification of motions of E^2, E^3) 1.13-1.15 HW3 (due Th 25/10 12pm)
4 22/10 Euclidean geometry (sample theorems, composition of motions) 1.16, Ch 2 HW4 (due Th 1/11 12pm)
5 29/10 Spherical geometry Ch 3. HW5 (due Th 8/11 12pm)
6 5/11 Spherical and hyperbolic geometry Ch 3 HW6 (due Th 15/11 12pm)
7 12/11 Hyperbolic geometry Ch 3 HW7 (due Th 22/11 12pm)
8 19/11 Hyperbolic geometry, Affine geometry Ch 3, Ch 4 HW8 (due Th 29/11 12pm)
9 26/11 Affine geometry, projective geometry Ch 4, Ch 5 HW9 (due Th 6/12 12pm)
(Typo corrected in B3 and B4).
10 3/12 Projective geometry, Groups Ch 5, Ch 6