MA 4A5 Schedule
Term 1

The following is an outline of the course, which will be updated as the course progresses. Guides to the topic we will cover in any given week are only approximate, and these will probably change as the term progresses.
CLO is the book by Cox, Little, O'Shea. Hassett is Hassett's Introduction to Algebraic Geometry.

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Week (date of Monday) Topics Sections Homework Event
1 29/9 Introduction
Grobner bases
Hassett Ch 2, CLO Ch 2 HW 1 First class Friday
2 6/10 Grobner bases
Affine varieties
Hassett Ch 3
3 13/10 Affine varieties Hassett Ch 3 HW 2 HW 1 due Thursday
4 20/10 Elimination theory Hassett Ch 4,5. CLO Ch 3. Mini-project title due Friday
5 27/10 Rational Maps Hassett Ch 3 HW 3 HW 2 due Thursday
6 3/11 Rational maps, Projective varieties Hassett Ch 6, 8, CLO Ch 4 HW 3 due Thursday
7 10/11 Projective varieties Hassett Ch 9 HW 4
8 17/11 Dimension and singularites Hassett Ch 12, CLO Ch 9
9 25/11 Grassmannians Hassett Ch 11 HW 5 HW 4 due Tuesday
10 1/12 Hilbert polynomials and Bézout's theorem Hassett Ch 12 HW 6 (not to be handed in) HW 5 due Thursday
Extra lecture Monday 10am