Applied Algebraic Topology


30 June - 4 July 2014

Castro Urdiales, CIEM Spain




Aim and Scope








·         A small video summary of the week can be found here.



·         "Vietoris-Rips Complexes of Circular Points" by  Michał Adamaszek

·         "Computational Complexity of Topological Invariants" by Manuel Amann

·         "Finding the Spectrum of the Laplacian on a Two Dimensional Sphere" by Eric Babson

·         "New Soaps: A-infinity Persistence" by Francisco Belchí

·         "On the Extended Vassiliev Conjecture" by Pavle Blagojevic

·         "A Stable Combinatorial Distance for Reeb Graphs of Surfaces" by Barbara Di Fabio

·         "Tverberg Plus Constraints" by Florian Frick

·         "Poincaré Duality in Network Flow Optimization" by Robert Ghrist

·         "Free Actions of Discrete Groups" by Marek Golasinski

·         "Hopf Invariants for Sectional Category with an Application to Topological Robotics" by Jesús González

·         "A Mapping Theorem for Topological Complexity" by Mark Grant

·         "Equipartitions of Measures by Hyperplanes" by Albert Haase

·         "The Threshold for Integer Homology" by Matthew Kahle

·         "Homologically Persistent Skeleton for visualizing high-dimensional data" by Vitaliy Kurlin

·         "Uncertainty Principles and Sum Complexes" by Roy Meshulam

·         "Complexity of Curves and Knot Diagrams" by Tahl Nowik

·         "Incremental Stability of Persistence Modules" by Petar Pavešić

·         "LS category of the Quaternionic Projective Space" by María José Pereira-Sáez

·         "Intersection Homology of Linkage Spaces in Odd Dimension Euclidean Space" by Dirk Schütz

·         ”On the Topological Complexity of a Two-Cell Complex ” by Lucile Vandembroucq

·         ”Fast Persistent Homology Computation using the BitTree Data-Structure” by Hubert Wagner

·         "Configuration Spaces in Combinatorial Algebraic Topology" by Rade Živaljević



·         Course "Sheaves and the Topology of Networks" by Robert Ghrist

·         Course "Topology of Configuration Spaces" by Dirk Schütz- Part III

·         Course "Topology of Configuration Spaces" by Dirk Schütz- Part II

·         Course "Topology of Configuration Spaces" by Dirk Schütz- Part I

·         Course "Topology of Robot Motion Planning" by Alexander Dranishnikov [Notes by Boris Goldfarb]

·         Course "Aspects of Random Complexes" by Roy Meshulam

·         Course "Topological Methods in Geometric Combinatorics" by Pavle Blagojevic- Part III

·         Course "Topological Methods in Geometric Combinatorics" by Pavle Blagojevic- Part II

·         Course "Topological Methods in Geometric Combinatorics" by Pavle Blagojevic- Part I