A-Hilb A4 in Magma and the (1, 2)-symmetric project
An algorithm calculates A-Hilb A4 for a finite diagonal subgroup
A in SL(4,C).
A-Hilb is a toric scheme (not necessarily irreducible, normal or even
The function ASets(r, A) returns a list of monomial ideals that form its
strata. The toric fan of A-Hilb consists of cones that are the dual
of the monomial
bases modulo these ideals. This is analysed explicitly for the
groups. This still needs to be written up in prose and diagrams, but
the algorithms in
this file ASets
works reliably, and runs in
the online Magma calculator
in a few
seconds for groups A of order up to about 50.
This file
contains Magma routines that analyse A-Hilb A4 for a (1,2)-symmetric
group A and prints out the toric fan of A-Hilb. Instructions are
given at the start.
Click here for sample output
as graphics
There is also a 2009 partial
write-up of the A-Sets algorithm. This has known errors
and omissions, and describes the 2009 version of the algorithm.
In particular,
the 2023 upgrade works with 1/r(a,b,c,d) without requiring a=1.