Articles in the media

Nano-Monsterwellen in hauchdünnen Flüssigkeitsfilmen

Spektrum der Wissenschaft—Thu 19 October 2023

Monsterwellen können dutzende Meter hoch werden. Doch die seltenen Mega-Wogen treten auch im Allerkleinsten auf - und sind dort sogar wichtiger: Sie steuern das Verhalten hauchdünner Flüssigkeitsfilme.


Enormous 'rogue waves' can appear out of nowhere. Math is revealing their secrets.

National Geographic—Fri 03 June 2022

Once considered a maritime myth, these towering waves can pose serious risks to ships in the open sea. Now scientists are developing ways to predict them before they strike.


A Large Deviation Theory Approach to Rogue Waves

SIAM News—Thu 04 March 2021

Using experimental data and instanton theory to model rogue waves as extreme events at SIAM CSE21.


Rogue Waves: Freaks of Nature Studied with Math and Lasers

Inside Science—Mon 17 August 2020

The elusive waves, once thought to be myths, are explained by the same math that's found in a wide range of settings.


New Model Predicts Sudden Rogue Waves

Scientific American—Fri 01 May 2020

Unified theory describes formation of huge, mysterious waves.


Monsterwellen auf der Spur

Spektrum der Wissenschaft—Sun 05 April 2020

Seit Jahren streiten Wissenschaftler darüber, wie die rätselhaften Giganten des Meeres entstehen, die schon etlichen Menschen das Leben gekostet haben. Ein neuer Ansatz aus der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie könnte Monsterwellen nun vorhersagen – unabhängig davon, was sie verursacht.


The Grand Unified Theory of Rogue Waves

Quanta—Wed 05 February 2020

Rogue waves — enigmatic giants of the sea — were thought to be caused by two different mechanisms. But a new idea that borrows from the hinterlands of probability theory has the potential to predict them all.

Article, Podcast

A Unifying Framework for Describing Rogue Waves

APS Physics—Wed 18 December 2019

A theory for rogue waves based on instantons—a mathematical concept developed in quantum chromodynamics—has been successfully tested in controlled laboratory experiments.


EPN Instanton filtering for the stochastic Burgers equation

Europhysics News—Mon 28 January 2013

Extreme events in stochastic nonlinear systems play an essential role in nature. Characterizing their likelihood is a fundamental albeit challenging problem since the tails of the underlying probability distributions are usually non-Gaussian and governed by saddlepoints of the corresponding path integrals, so-called “instantons”.
