A few papers, not all:

Fano 3-folds in codimension 4, Tom and Jerry. Part I, with Michael Kerber and Miles Reid, arXiv:1009.4313 or pdf file 32pp.

Maps of toric varieties in Cox coordinates, with Jaroslaw Buczynski, arXiv:1004.4924 72pp.

Graded rings of rank 2 Sarkisov links, with Francesco Zucconi, pdf file (pre-refereed version),

Nagoya Math. J. 197 (2010) 1-44

Elliptic fibrations on cubic surfaces, with Daniel Ryder, arXiv:0807.0696

J. Pure and Applied Alg. 214 (2010) no.4, 410–421

Fano 3-folds with divisible anticanonical class, with Kaori Suzuki, arXiv:0611862

Manuscripta Math. 123 (2007), no. 1, 37-51

Computing certain Fano 3-folds, with Kaori Suzuki, arXiv:0610958

Japan J. Industr. Appl. Math. 24 (2007), 241–50

A database of polarized K3 surfaces, pdf file,

Exp. Math. 16:1 (2007) 7-20

Graded rings and special K3 surfaces, ps file,

in Discovering Mathematics with Magma, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Vol. 19, W. Bosma and J. Cannon (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, (2006), 137–59

Birational Geometry of 3-fold Mori Fibre Spaces, with Alessio Corti, Francesco Zucconi, ps file,

in The Fano Conference, Proceedings, A. Collino, A. Conte, M. Marchisio (eds.), Universit`a di Torino (2005), 235–275

Graded rings and birational geometry, with Selma Altinok and Miles Reid, pdf file,

Contemp. Math. 314 (2002), 25-61