Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals
Matt J. Keeling & Pejman Rohani

SIR model with 2 risk classes
and targetted vaccination (page 305)

We now reflect on the advantages of targetted vaccination. In particular we use the model structure developed in Program 3.1 to consider the advantages of targetting vaccination towards high-risk or low-risk individuals. (Program 3.1 provides the basic details of the model).

Again we allow for a delay, such that vaccination is begun after time tV.

β is the matrix of transmission rates and incorporates the encounter rate between susceptible and infectious individuals together with the probability of transmission.
γ is called the removal or recovery rate, though often we are more interested in its reciprocal (1/γ) which determines the average infectious period.
is the birth rate for the high risk group. The proportion of the population in the high-risk group is μH/μ
μL is the birth rate for the low risk group. The proportion of the population in the high-risk group is μL/μ
μ is the per capita death rate and is equal to μH+μL.
is the proportion of the high-risk group that are vaccinated at birth
is the proportion of the low-risk group that are vaccinated at birth
tV is the time at which the vaccination program is begun.
SX(0) is the initial proportion of the population that are both susceptible and in risk group X.
IX(0) is the initial proportion of the population that are both infectious and in risk group X.
All rates are specified in years.

All parameters must be positive, and  nH ≤ 1, IH(0)≤ nH, IL(0)≤ (1-nH), SH(0)≤ nH, SL(0)≤ (1-nH),

Python ProgramParametersMATLAB Code.

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Matt Keeling      Pejman Rohani