Math 216B
Spring 2004

Course Description

This course will provide an introduction to some concepts in algebraic geometry using toric varieties. No background in algebraic geometry will be assumed. More details and references can be found in the course outline (PDF).


Name Office E-mail Phone Office Hours
Diane Maclagan 380-382K 723-7824 Wednesday 3:10-4pm
and by appointment

Course Time and Location

MWF 2:15-3:05pm in 380-381T


We will (possibly very) loosely follow Fulton's Introduction to Toric Varieties.


Periodic homework assignments will be posted here.

Number Target date Assignment
1 4/23 Postscript PDF
2 5/10 Postscript PDF
3 6/7 Postscript PDF

"Target date" means that I may assign another homework on that date, and you are encouraged to attempt the homework by then.


Grades for this course will be based on a mixture of classroom participation/attendence and homework.