Ian Melbourne's Reprint List

Noncompact Symmetry Groups

  1. P. Ashwin and I. Melbourne. Dynamics on unbounded domains; co-solutions and inheritance of stability. Preprint, August 2006.
    ( abstract, postscript file or pdf file )

  2. I. Melbourne. Hidden symmetries on partially unbounded domains. Physica D 143 (2000) 226-234
    ( abstract, postscript file or pdf file )

  3. M. Golubitsky, V. G. LeBlanc and I. Melbourne. Hopf bifurcation from rotating waves and patterns in physical space. J. Nonlin. Sci 10 (2000) 69-101
    ( abstract, postscript file or pdf file )

  4. P. Ashwin, I. Melbourne and M. Nicol. Drift bifurcations of relative equilibria and transitions of spiral waves. Nonlinearity 12 (1999) 741-755
    ( abstract, postscript file or pdf file )

  5. P. Ashwin and I. Melbourne. Noncompact drift for relative equilibria and relative periodic orbits. Nonlinearity 10 (1997) 595-616
    ( abstract, postscript file or pdf file )

  6. M. Golubitsky, V. G. LeBlanc and I. Melbourne. Meandering of the spiral tip: an alternative approach. J. Nonlin. Sci. 7 (1997) 557-586
    ( abstract, postscript file or pdf file )