Monday 28 May - Friday 1 June 2012
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Organisers: H. Bruin, I. Melbourne and R. Zweimüller
Participants J. Aaronson, R. Bayless, H. Bruin, G. Clack, J.-P. Conze, A. Danilenko, M. Denker, A. Dooley, Y. Duan, K. Fraczek, J. Hawkins, M. Holland, M. Keane, D. Kocheim, Z. Kosloff, M. Lemańczyk, M. Lenci, C. Little, J. Marklof, I. Melbourne, I. Morris, S. Munday, K. Nair, H. Nakada, M. Pollicott, D. Ralston, T. de la Rue, P. Shmerkin, D. Szász, D. Terhesiu, M. Tyran-Kamińska, C. Ulcigrai, C. Walkden, Y. Zhang, R. Zweimüller.
Funding: The workshop is being sponsored by EPSRC and the London Mathematical Society. The workshop is in conjunction
with a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship awarded to Jon Aaronson who is spending 6 months at the University of Surrey during 2011-2012.
The LMS funding includes some support for UK postgraduate students, so let us know if you are a UK PG student who wishes to attend.
Click here for the schedule of talks and here for links to abstracts.
Henk Bruin, phone: 44-1483-689253, email:
Ian Melbourne , phone: 44-1483-689643, email:
Department of Mathematics, University of Surrey,
Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK