Directions from Guildford Train Station to the University of Surrey

Taxi: From main (eastern) exit. Ask for the Senate House car park.

Walk (about 15 minutes): Leave the station by footbridge and rear (western) exit, turn right into Guildford Park Road; after 200 yards there is a clearly marked footpath to the university via a car park. You are now at the bottom-right corner of the campus map. The car park leads directly to a road through the university campus. Remain on the road, following it around to the left, leading into the Senate House car park. Directly ahead, there is a doorway to the AA building staircase. The Mathematics Department is on the 4th floor.

Alternative to the staircase: there is a freight lift. Proceed into the Senate House car park as before, but don't enter the AA door. The lift is located on the right-hand-side of the AA building (viewed from the car park).