The Knot Theory MA3F2 page
Course material
- Prerequisites Little more than linear algebra
plus an ability to visualise objects in 3-dimensions. Some knowledge of
groups given by generators and relations, and some basic topology would
be helpful. The lectures and mind map that follow (from 2006) will be
updated as we go through 2007.
- Mind map Course structure.
- Lectures 1 Writhe
and linking numbers,
2 Reidemeister moves and colouring,
3 Colouring,
4 Splittable links and chess boarding,
5 Quadrilateral decomposition,
6 Application of Cramer's rule, 7 The determinant of a link,
8 The colouring group,
9 The number of colourings,
10 Mirrors and codes,
11 The Alexander polynomial,
12 Knot sums, 13
Bridge number and plats, 14 Daisy
chains and braids, 15 Braids and Seifert
circles, 16 Alexander's theorem: links to
braids, 17 Seifert circles and trees, 18 The bracket polynomial, 19 The Jones polynomial, 20 The skein relations, 21 Alternating links, 22 Span(V) = number of crossings, 23 Tangles, 24
Rational tangles and continued fractions, 25
Tangled DNA, 26 Genus and knot sum, 27 Genus of a numerator, 28 Conway polynomial, 29 Conway, Alexander, Jones and HOMFLY, 30 Not Knot video,
- Examples 1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
- Solutions
1, 2,
3, 4,
5, 6,
7 , 8,
9, 10,
11, 12
- Plan your degree course entry
- Recommended for the course:
Last updated 2/1/2007. Reload for latest update. Download the entire
site here
Links used in notes
Please email me if you have any
comments, questions, criticisms or need for clarification regarding
lectures or web pages.
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