Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Term 2 2010/11

The Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm in B3.02. We also occasionally wander around the country to attend the COW seminar on Thursdays. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

12 January Jérémy Blanc (Basel) On complements of curves in the projective plane

19 January
4pm, B3.01
Milena Hering (UConn) Cox rings of toric vector bundles
26 January Arend Bayer (UConn) Stability condition on threefolds (and why you should care)
2 February Melody Chan (UC Berkeley) Combinatorics of the tropical Torelli map
9 February
Mingmin Shen (Cambridge) Rational curves on Fano threefolds of Picard number one.
4pm B3.01 Mario Chan Kulikov surfaces form a connected component of the moduli space
16 February Jan Draisma (Eindhoven) Finiteness results for infinite-dimensional varieties with many symmetries
17 February Warwick Tropical Day Speakers: Butkovic, Draisma, Sturmfels
23 February Angela Gibney (Georgia) Conformal Blocks Divisors on \overline{M}_{0,n} from sl_2 and sl_n
2 March Artan Sheshmani Higher rank stable pairs and virtual localization
3 March
COW Speakers: Goertz, Simpson
9 March Singularity Day Speakers: Mond, Berczi, Rimanyi
16 March Will Donovan (Imperial) Mirror symmetry and Grassmannian twist functors

Last term's seminar schedule is available here.

Directions to the University are available here. The Mathematics institute is in the Zeeman Building, which is number 37 on the map available here. Warning: The University of Warwick is not in the town of Warwick, but on the outskirts of Coventry - the correct train stations are Coventry or Leamington Spa (closer if coming from Oxford).
This page is maintained by Diane Maclagan. It's an algebraic geometry seminar - of course you recognize the html.