Tropical Mathematics and its Applications

A LMS Joint Research Group

This is a collaboration between research groups at Birmingham, Manchester, and Warwick. See the main group page with links to other meetings here. The page for the previous Warwick meeting is here.

Next Warwick Meeting

The next meeting of this Joint Research Group will be at Warwick on Wednesday 19th February, 2018. The talks will take place in the Zeeman (Maths) Building.

Speakers include Marta Panizzut (TU Berlin), Ben Smith (Manchester), and Ebrahim Patel (Oxford).

Directions to Warwick are available here. The Mathematics institute is in the Zeeman Building. Maps of campus are available here (look at the central campus map). Warning: The University of Warwick is not in the town of Warwick, but on the outskirts of Coventry - the correct train stations are Coventry or Leamington Spa.

All talks will take place in B1.01. From the top of the stairs outside the common room (opposite the MRC office), turn around, and B1.01 is in the corridor to the left ahead.

Time Speaker Title
12:00pm Lunch Meet in the Maths common room.
13:30 Ben Smith (Manchester) Face Posets of Tropical Polyhedra
15:00 Marta Panizzut (TU Berlin) Local Dressians of matroids
16:30 Ebrahim Patel (Oxford) Modelling networks with Tropical Mathematics