Speaker: Ben Smith (Manchester)
Title: Face Posets of Tropical Polyhedra
Abstract: Tropical polyhedra can be viewed as the logarithmic
limit of families of ordinary polyhedra. As members of these families
may have differing face structures, it is difficult to define a
coherent notion of face for tropical polyhedra. In this talk, we offer
a possible solution by introducing a notion of tropical faces for a
special class of tropical polyhedra arising as tropicalisations of
blocking polyhedra. We then show how this face structure may be
extended to all tropical polyhedra. Furthermore, we show how this
notion of tropical face is intimately related to ideas from
commutative algebra and order theory. This is joint work with Georg
Speaker: Marta Panizzut (TU Berlin)
Title: Local Dressians of matroids
Tropical Grassmannians are rational polyhedral fans parametrizing
realizable tropical linear spaces in tropical projective spaces. These
are contractible polyhedral complexes arising from the tropicalization
of linear spaces. Herrmann, Jensen, Joswig and Sturmfels introduced
the Dressians, outer approximations of the tropical Grassmannians
which parametrize all tropical linear spaces in tropical projective
spaces. Moreover, they remarked that a stratification based on
matroids can be described on Dressians, motivating definition local of
a Tropical Grassmannians, Dressians and local Dressians will be the
main characters of the talk. After introducing the main concepts, I
will focus on the fan structures these objects coming from the
Plücker relations and as subfans of the secondary fans of matroid
polytopes. This is based on joint work with Jorge Alberto Olarte and
Benjamin Schröter.
Speaker: Ebrahim Patel (Oxford)
Title: Modelling networks with Tropical Mathematics
I will present some work carried out with Masters students on the popular application
of optimal railway timetabling; we show that max-plus algebra can be used to optimise the network
structure as well. Generalising to a max-min-plus system allows the modelling of threshold
dynamics on networks. Thus, I propose a max-min-plus model of social and biological processes on
networks. Asymptotically, the max-min-plus system reduces to a max-plus system; how this happens
is an open question.