There will be an ergodic theory meeting at the University of Warwick on Wednesday 23 October 2024. This is part of an LMS Scheme 3 funded network involving the following universities: Birmingham, Bristol, Durham, Exeter, Glasgow, Loughborough, Manchester, Open, Queen Mary, St Andrews and Warwick. For information about other meetings in the series, see
If you are from a university in the network and would like to request financial support to attend, please contact Thomas Jordan at
All talks will take place in room MS.02 of the Zeeman Building. (Click here for a downloadable campus map.) After entering the Zeeman Building, the room is in front of you on the right. A group of people will go for lunch at 12:30pm, meeting by the Zeeman Building main entrance. We will go to dinner after the talks.
2:00pm-3:00pm: Mike Hochman (HUJI)
Strongly irreducible subshifts without periodic points
3:00pm-3:30pm: Tea break
3:30pm-4:30pm: Tanja Schindler (Exeter)
A qualitative central limit theorem for certain unbounded observables over piecewise expanding interval maps
4:30pm-4:45pm: Short break
4:45pm-5:45pm: Meng Wu (Oulo)
On normal numbers in fractals
Mike Hochman: Strongly irreducible subshifts without periodic points
Abstract: A symbolic system is strongly irreducible if there is some g>0 such that any two patterns in the subshift can be glued together as long as they are separated by a gap of size g. This is the strongest mixing condition one can place on a symbolic system, and it implies many good properties, especially in combination with the finite type property: For example, globally supported measures of maximal entropy, a Krieger-type embedding theorem, and more. In my talk I will discuss the question of the existence of periodic points in such systems, and its connection to a question about periodic points in higher-dimensional shifts of finite type.
Tanja Schindler: A qualitative central limit theorem for certain unbounded observables over piecewise expanding interval maps
Abstract: Many limit theorems in ergodic theory are proven using the spectral gap method. So one of the main ingredients for this method is to have a space on which the transfer operator has a spectral gap. However, most of the classical spaces, like for example the space of Hölder or quasi-Hölder function or BV functions, don't allow unbounded functions. We will give such a space which allows observables with a pole at the fixed points of a piecewise expanding interval transformation and state a quantitative central limit theorem using Edgeworth expansions. As an application we give a sampling result for the Riemann-zeta function over a Boolean type transformation. This is joint work with Kasun Fernando.
Meng Wu: On normal numbers in fractals
Abstract: Given any Bernoulli measure μ that is x3 invariant (such as the Cantor-Lebesgue measure on the ternary Cantor set) and an irrational number t, it holds that for almost all x with respect to μ, the product tx is x3 normal (meaning that the orbit of tx under the x3 map is uniformly distributed on [0,1]). This result was recently proved by Dayan, Ganguly, and Barak Weiss using techniques from random walk theory. We will present a new proof of the Dayan-Ganguly-Weiss result, relying on recent advancements in the study of self-similar measures with overlaps. Our approach extends the result to cases where the measure μ is only required to be invariant, ergodic, and of positive dimension.