Module Description
We will take a stroll through the field of three-manifolds, heading
in the general direction of the distant peaks of the homeomorphism
problem and the geometrisation theorem. More concretely: we will
begin the module with a focus on classic combinatoral topology of
three-manifolds (including their sphere and torus decompositions) in
order to understand the hypotheses of the geometrization theorem.
We will then switch to a discussion of the eight Thurston geometries
in order to understand the conclusion of the geometrisation theorem.
We will end with an overview of some more advanced topics (Mostow
rigidity, Ricci flow, and Perelman's proof) and their application to
the homeomorphism problem. Throughout the module we place an
emphasis on the many beautiful examples that the subject offers.
The prerequisites for the module are as follows. Point-set
topology, including connectedness, compactness, continuity,
homeomorphism, and manifolds. Algebraic topology, including
covering spaces, the fundamental group, the classification of
surfaces, homology, and Euler characteristic. Spherical, euclidean,
and hyperbolic geometry in dimension two, including the
classification of isometries and geometric surfaces.
Reference materials
Useful references include the notes on three-manifolds by
Casson, Cameron
Gordon, Allen
Hatcher, Marc
Lackenby (scroll down to Michaelmas 1999), and Danny
Calegari. Of course, there is also Thurston's book, in
its various
I will post copies of the lectures in the
class schedule as they become
Please tell me in person, or via email, about any errors on this
website or made in class. I am especially keen to hear about
mathematical errors, gaffes, or typos made in lecture or in the
example sheets.