Week |
Date of Monday |
Topics |
Pages in Siksek |
Example sheet |
Comments |
1 |
Oct. 1 |
Introduction and overview. Revision: Rings and fields.
Polynomial rings. Homomorphisms, automorphisms, relative
automorphisms, fixed rings. Evaluation homomorphisms. Quotients,
first isomorphism theorem. Principal ideals, polynomial rings
over fields are PIDs. Maximal ideals, fields.
1 - 6 |
There are no support classes this week. Many questions were
asked (partly by the lecturer!) about whether or not rings must
have a unit.
2 |
Oct. 8 |
Extensions and subfields. Quotients. Fields of fractions.
Generated subfields. Adjoining roots. The subfields of
\(\QQ(\sqrt{2}, \sqrt{3})\). Simple extensions. Adjoining a root
gives the generated subfield (Prop 21). Splitting fields. Fields
of rational functions.
7 - 12 |
One |
3 |
Oct. 15 |
Existence of splitting fields (uniqueness postponed).
Extensions are vector spaces. Degrees of extensions. Algebraic
and transcendental numbers. Algebraic extensions. Finite
extensions are algebraic. Monic polynomials, minimal polynomials.
Review of Gauss's lemma, Eisenstein's criterion.
12 - 17 |
Two |
4 |
Oct. 22 |
The structure of simple algebraic extensions (Prop 41, Thm
42). Primitive elements, degrees. The Tower Law. Extended
examples. The algebraic numbers form a field.
17 - 22 |
Questions asked by
students on 2018-10-25. |
5 |
Oct. 29 |
Algebraic closures and algebraic numbers. Conjugates over
\(K\) and Galois conjugates. Automorphisms preserve conjugates.
Easy upper bound on \(\#\Aut(L/K)\). Finite field interlude -
multiple roots. Linear independence of automorphsims. Hard upper
bound on \(\#\Aut(L/K)\). Fixed fields and the Galois
23 - 28 |
Three |
Questions asked by
students on 2018-11-02. |
6 |
Nov. 5 |
Lower bounds on \(\#\Aut(L/K)\) - proving that automorphisms
exist. The isomorphism extension problem and its solution.
Splitting fields are unique up to isomorphism. (Prime) cyclotomic
fields and their automorphisms. Hard lower bounds.
29 - 32 |
7 |
Nov. 12 |
\( H = \Aut(L / L^H) \). Finite fields, field characteristic,
prime subfields. Examples. Separable polynomials, elements, and
extensions. Examples. The formal derivative. The GCD of a
polynomial and its derivative. Characteristic zero and
separability. Normality. Examples. Galois extensions. Criteria
equivalent to being Galois.
32 - 40 |
Four |
8 |
Nov. 19 |
The relative automorphism group of a Galois extension (aka the
Galois group). Examples of Galois and non-Galois extensions, and
also of computing the Galois group. Review of normal groups.
Statement of the fundamental theorem of Galois theory. The proof
40 - 46 |
9 |
Nov. 26 |
An extended example. The proof (of FTofGT) completed. The
classification of finite fields and the Frobenius. Radical
expressions. Simple radical extensions, radical extensions in
general. Subnormal series for a group, soluble groups. Simple
groups. Commutators and the commutator subgroup.
46 - 50, 55 - 56 |
Five |
A student pointed out that the assigned questions were missing
a hypothesis, namely finiteness of the extensions. I've added
this. Interesting question - what happens if you don't add
the finiteness hypothesis?
10 |
Dec. 3 |
Perfect groups, \(A_5\) is perfect, so not soluble. New
soluble groups from old. \(S_5\) is not soluble. Criterion to be
\(S_5\). A polynomial with Galois group \(S_5\). Prime
cyclotomic fields, and "prime" simple radical extensions. Radical
Galois extensions have soluble Galois groups. Ruler-and-compass
constructions, impossibility proofs. |
50 - 61 |
Questions asked by
students before 2018-12-02. |