\(\newcommand{\from}{\colon}\)\(\newcommand{\cross}{\times}\)\(\newcommand{\cover}[1]{{\widetilde{#1}}}\)Questions handed in by students on 2017-10-18. General - 1. How does one define a function on a graph? Ans: Suppose that \(X\) is a space and \(Y = X/{\sim}\) is a quotient of \(X\). We can obtain a function on \(Y\) by finding a function on \(X\) which is constant on equivalence classes. TL;DR - Define the function on the edges of the graph, and check that it is consistent across vertices. 2. Is there an intuitive way to think of covering spaces? Ans: A covering space \( \cover{X} \) is a way of "unwrapping" the base space \( X \). Or, conversely, you could think of the covering map \( p \) as "winding" \( \cover{X} \) around \( X \). To visualise how the circle covers the circle, it may help to find some rubber bands and wind them around things... Homework - 1. On Exercise Sheet 2, what sort of assumptions are you looking for in writing the homotopy classes of the alphabet? Ans: Do you mean "justifications" when you write "assumptions"? Some justification is definitely needed. You should not give \(26^2\) explanations, however. Think about how to neatly organise the work. Above and beyond - 1. Is there \( \pi_n(X, x_0) \) for \( n > 1 \)? If so, what is it? Ans: These are the higher homotopy groups. Instead of loops, we use \(n\)-spheres. The concatenation operation is a bit more involved. See chapter four of Hatcher's book for a discussion.