Math 311, Section 3
Spring 2005

Course Description

"Introduction to language and fundamental concepts of analysis. The real numbers, sequences, limits, continuity, differentiation in one variable." (Taken from the undergraduate catalog.)


The schedule has a list of topics, organized by week. The assigned homework and links to the workshops will be added as the semester progresses.


Name Office E-mail Phone Office Hours
Saul Schleimer HLL-207 saulsch at dontinclude dot math dot rutgers dot edu 732-445-1935 Wed. 10:30 to 12

Class meetings

Attendance will not be taken.

Activity Run by Time Location
Lecture Saul Schleimer MW 1:10-2:30 PM SEC-205
Workshop Saul Schleimer Th 1:10-2:30 PM SEC-212


The text for this course, by Stephen Abbott, is titled Understanding analysis.

Other references, available from the library, include Walter Rudin's Principles of mathematical analysis and the truly classic A course of pure mathematics by G.H. Hardy.

If you are looking for something more informal and much shorter then perhaps Timothy Gowers's notes will interest you.

There are also a variety of on-line resources available: Wikipedia is a collaborative encyclopedia. Mathworld is a reference website hosted by Wolfram Research.

Note as well that much of the course material from a previous section of 311 (Spring 2000) are available on-line.

Please remember that any material that you use from a book, the web, or a classmate should be correctly cited (even if you rephrase). If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism please consult the Rutgers Academic Integrity Policy or come ask me.


See the schedule for homework problems from the book. These are due at the beginning of each Wednesday lecture. Late work will not be accepted for grading. Your lowest homework score will be dropped.

Here are the average scores on the homework: please note that these averages do not take into account zeros due to papers not turned in or points added later due to mistakes made in grading.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Average/Possible 8.5/12 14.7/20 18.9/25 18.3/25 13.9/20 16.4/20
7 9 10 11 12 13
Average/Possible 16.8/25 8.8/10 14.4/15 10.0/20 17.8/25 11.4/15


The workshops will be posted on the schedule. Workshops will concentrate on finding and writing proofs. These will be collected at the beginning of the following meeting. Late work will not be accepted for grading. Every workshop write-up will be graded out of ten points; five for mathematical correctness and five for presentation. Your lowest workshop score will be dropped.

The writing of proofs is a major part of this course. Recall that a proof is a "convincing argument." This assumes certain properties of the reader: your target audience will be your classmates.

Here are the average scores on the workshops: please note that these averages do not take into account zeros due to papers not turned in or points added later due to mistakes made in grading.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 redo 8 9 10
Average (out of 10) 6.2 7.1 6.6 7.7 8.1 5.6 7.4 8.7 9.5 6.8 6.1


Exams are closed book. You may, however, bring a single (two-sided) sheet of paper with whatever material on it that you desire. I will provide a list of the axioms for the real numbers with every exam.

There will be two midterms and a final.

Note that at least 50% of the problems on each midterm will be taken from the homework.

See the class schedule for the dates of the exams.

Here are the average scores on the exams:
1 2
Average (out of 100) 65 72


The final score is composed of 10% for homework, 20% for workshop problems, 20% for each midterm (there are two), and 30% for the final. Grades will be assigned on a curve, modified by common sense: if every student does well every student will receive a good grade.

Here is the complete breakdown of the class grades:
Final Exam 66 82 89 72 80 85 105 122 115 122
Class Score 33 44 53 55 59 62 65 67 68 68
Letter Grade F F D D D C C C C+ C+
Final Exam 128 125 131 150 152 165 165 180 190 181
Class Score 69 70 72 76 77 80 83 83 91 96
Letter Grade C+ B B B B B+ A A A A


Please tell me in person, or via email, about any errors on this website or made (by me!) in class.