Mirel Caibar

Ph.D., University of Warwick

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Ohio State University, Mansfield Campus
1680 University Drive, Mansfield, OH 44906, USA

Phone: (419) 755-4360
Fax: (419) 755-4241
Email: caibar@math.ohio-state.edu


Minimal models of canonical singularities and their cohomology
Univ. of Warwick Ph.D. thesis, Feb 1999, 79 + vii pp.


Available from the above website:

On the divisor class group of 3-fold singularities, Internat. J. Math. 14 (2003),
no. 1, 105--117

On the number of crepant valuations of canonical singularities, J. London Math. Soc.
(2) 68 (2003), no. 2, 307--316

Minimal models of canonical $3$-fold singularities and their Betti numbers, submitted