New chapter: Completion See [A&M] Chapter 10 [Matsumura] Section 8 [Schlichting] Chapter 2 Informal discussion Why modules? To study A, we may need to do linear algebra inside A, and in all kinds of structures related to A: its ideals I, how the I are generated, the quotients A/I, the relations between the generators of I, eventually tensor products A x A, derivations and differentials, and much more. We might as well go the whole hog and do linear algebra systematically in modules over A. Why completion? Let A be a ring and M an A-module. Suppose we are told M = I*M. Can we deduce that M = 0? Take m in M. Then m = sum ai*mi. On the other hand, the same goes for each mi. If mi = sum bij mj then m = sum_{i,j} ai*bij*mj, so that M = I^2*M, then M = I^3*M. This is getting ridiculous! Surely continuing the argument gives M = 0? Not so. For example, it may happen that I contains invertible elements, and M = I*M tells us nothing. That's not the right way to go. I remind you of a basic result. Nakayama's lemma. Suppose M is finite (that is, finitely generated as A-module) and M = I*M. Then there exists a in A with a-1 in I such that a*M = 0. Proof ("determinant trick") Choose generators m1.. m_n, so that M = sum A*mi. Then each mi in M, so mi in I*M. Hence there exists aij in I with mi = sum a_ij*mj. Rewrite this as sum (de_ij - a_ij)*mj = 0 (Kronecker delta). (*) Write N for the nxn matrix N = de_ij - a_ij. Recall the standard linear algebra formula N^dag*N = det N * Id_n (here N^\dag is the adjugate matrix made up of (n-1)x(n-1) cofactors). Multiply (*) by N^dag_{jk} and sum over j to get (det N)*mj = 0 for all j, hence (det N)*M = 0. This is what we wanted: a = det N has a*M = 0 and a == 1 mod I. A similar failed argument: Let A subset B be a finite extension ring. Required to prove that b in B is integral over A. The argument you used in Galois theory was easy: since B is finite over A there is a linear dependence relation between the powers { 1,b,b^2,.. b^n }, and you can divide through by the leading coefficient to make it monic. That doesn't work with A an integral domain, because you may not be able to divide through. But it goes through in a straightforward way if you can apply the determinant trick. Completion The idea of _completion_ is to work with formal power series in place of polynomials. For example, k[[x1.. xn]] as a substitute for k[x1.. xn] or p-adics ZZ_p in place of the subring ZZ_(p) in QQ. The word "formal" reflects that we allow all infinite power series, ignoring convergence -- like replacing a differentiable function by its Taylor series to all orders. These formal rings are bigger (usually uncountably so), but much simpler in structure. Any nonsingular point P in X of any algebraic variety or complex analytic space (independently of X, or P in X) has a small neighbourhood isomorphic to a ball around 0 in CC^n, and formal functions on it make up the completed ring CC[[x1.. xn]]. Completion is thus a much more drastic form of localisation. As an algebraic process, completion passes from a filtration such as the I-adic filtration M > I*M >.. I^n*M to the inverse limit lim_{<-} M/I^n*M. I run through the theory in the following lecture. For now, I want to discuss the finished product and the advantages of working with it. Definition (first attempt) Let A be a ring and I an ideal. We say that A is I-adically complete to mean that A = lim_{<-} A/I^n. This means (I) an element f in A is uniquely determined by its class in A/I^n for every n. (II) If {f_n in A/I^n} is a compatible sequence of elements mod I^n then there is f in A that maps to f_n for every n. _Compatible_ means that for m > n, the element f_m in A/I^m reduces modulo I^n to f_n in A/I^n. An alternative way of stating (II) is as a sequence {F_n} of elements of A with the Cauchy sequence property: for every N > 0, there exists n0 such that for all n,m >= n0 the difference F_n-F_m is in I^N. This puts I-adic completion on a footing that is similar in overall logic to completion in a metric space. The real motivation for completion is to solve problems in A[[t]] by term-by-term calculations. e.g. is a0 is invertible in A, you can find the inverse of a0 + a1*t + .. by calculating successive coefficients. Or if a0 is a perfect square in A (and n! is invertible), then you can take the square root of a0 + a1*t + .. using the binomial theorem and term-by-term approximation. The highpoint is Hensel's Lemma: this says that, under appropriate conditions, if you can solve a polynomial equations modulo m (so over the field k = A/m), you can solve it over A. Hensel's lemma. Let (A,m,k) be a local ring, and assume that A is m-adically complete. Let F(x) in A[x] be a monic polynomial, and set Fbar = f in k[x]. (This means reduce the coefficients of f in A[x] modulo m.) Suppose f factors as f = g*h with g,h in k[x] monic and coprime. Then F = G*H where G,H in A[x] are such that Gbar = g and Hbar = h. ==== Applying this with a linear factor g(x) = (x-r) gives the corollary that if the reduction of f(x) in k[x] has a _simple_ root r in k (a root such that (x-r) is coprime to f(x)/(x-r)), then F(x) in A[x] has a root R in A that reduces to r mod m. For example, if a polynomial f in ZZ[x] has a simple solution when viewed as a congruence modulo p, it has a root in the ring ZZ_p of p-adic integers. This version of Hensel's lemma is popular with algebraic number theorists. ==== A preliminary step. First, suppose deg g = n and deg h = m. Then g, h coprime in k[x] means I can choose polynomials a,b with deg a <= m-1 and deg b <= n-1 such that a*g + b*h = 1. In fact (1,x,.. x^{m-1})*g, (1,x,.. x^{n-1})*h are n+m linearly independent elements in the (n+m)-dimensional vector space of polynomials of degree n+m-1, so a basis. ==== Setting up the induction step. Start from the assumption f = g*h, choose lifts G1,H1 in A[x] of g,h in k[x] that are still monic of the same degree. Then reducing modulo m gives F - G1*H1 in m*A[x], that is F - G1*H1 = sum mi*Ui (*) with mi in m, and Ui in k[x] polynomials with deg Ui < deg F. I show how to modify G1,H1 to G2,H2 by adding corrections in m to achieve F - G2*H2 in m^2*A[x]. This is elementary algebra in k[x]: for each i, write ui in k[x] for the reduction of Ui mod m, and use the above a,b to give g*a*ui + h*b*ui = ui. The sum is obviously unaffected by subtracting a multiple of h from a*ui and adding the same multiple of g to b*ui: g*vi + h*wi = ui, where vi = a*ui-c*h and wi = b*ui+c*g. (**) I choose c to reduce a*ui to vi = a*ui - c*h with deg vi < deg h. Then since ui and g*vi are both of degree < deg f, the same goes for h*wi. Now choose lifts Vi, Wi in A[x] of vi and wi of (**), of the same degrees, and modify G1, H1 by setting: G2 = G1 + sum mi*Wi and H2 = H1 + sum mi*Vi using the same coefficients mi as in (*). Then comparing with (*) gives F - G2*H2 = F - G1*G2 - sum mi*(G1*V1 + H1*W1) - mi^2*V1*W1 in m^2*A[x]. In each term of the sum, I have subtracted off a term that modulo m^2 cancels the mi*Ui of (*) in view of (**), and the final cross term is in mi^2*A[x]. The inductive step from Gn,Hn satisfying F - Gn*Fn in m^n*A[x] to G_{n+1}, H_{n+1} repeats the above argument point by point. Each step only modifies the Gn, Hn by terms in m^n*A[x], so that both sequences are Cauchy sequences for the m-adic topology. Q.E.D.