WTS Workshop on Wave Turbulence

19-21 September 2007, Hull University

List of Participants

Dr. Annenkov, Sergey Keele Univesrsity UK
Prof. Attenborough, Keith University of Hull UK
Dr. Bortolozzo, Umberto Lab. de Phys. Stat. ENS France
Dr. Chernyh, Alexandr Inst. Autom.&Electrom Russia
Dr. Connaughton,  Colm CNS LANL USA
Dr. Denissenko, Petr University of Hull UK
Prof. Diamond,  Patrick UCSD USA
Dr. Efimov Victor Lancaster University UK
Prof. Eyink, Gregory John Hopkins USA
Dr. Falcon, Eric   France
Prof. Fauve,  Stephan Ecole Normale France
Prof. Frostick, Lynne The University of Hull UK
Ms Hameed Mubashra Torino University Italy
Prof. Kartashova,  Elena J. Kepler University Austria
Dr. Kolmakov,  German Lancaster University UK
Prof. Kolokolov Igor Landau Institute Russia
Prof. Kuznetsov Evgenii Landau Institute Russia
Prof. Lebedev Vladimir Landau Institute Russia
Dr. Lukaschuk Sergei The University of Hull UK
Prof. Lvov Victor Weizmann Inst. of Science Israel
Prof. Nazarenko Sergey University of Warwick UK
Dr. Onorato,  Miguel Universita' di Torino Italy
Prof. Pelinovsky, Efim Inst. of Applied Physics Russia
Prof. Pouquet,  Annick NCAR USA
Dr. Residori, Stefania Inst Non Lineaire de Nice France
Dr. Rica,  Sergio ENS Paris France
Prof. Shrira,  Victor Keele Univesrsity UK
Prof. Steinberg,  Victor Weizmann Inst. of Science Israel
Dr. Takeshi,  Matsumoto Kyoto University Japan
Prof. van de Water Willem Eindhoven Inst of Techn Netherland
Prof. Yakhot, Victor Boston University USA
Dr. Zaboronski, Oleg University of Warwick UK
Prof. Zakharov, Vladimir Arizona Uni. and Landau Inst. USA, Russia
Prof. Zeitlin, Vladimir Ecole Normale France
