Exponential time differencing for matrix-valued dynamical systems

Nayef Shkeir, Tobias Schäfer, Tobias Grafke


Matrix evolution equations occur in many applications, such as dynamical Lyapunov/Sylvester systems or Riccati equations in optimization and stochastic control, machine learning or data assimilation. In many cases, their tightest stability condition is coming from a linear term. Exponential time differencing (ETD) is known to produce highly stable numerical schemes by treating the linear term in an exact fashion. In particular, for stiff problems, ETD methods are a method of choice. We propose an extension of the class of ETD algorithms to matrix-valued dynamical equations. This allows us to produce highly efficient and stable integration schemes. We show their efficiency and applicability for a variety of real-world problems, from geophysical applications to dynamical problems in machine learning.


Mean First Passage Times and Eyring-Kramers formula for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics

J. Liu, J. E. Sprittles, T. Grafke


Thermally activated phenomena in physics and chemistry, such as conformational changes in biomolecules, liquid film rupture, or ferromagnetic field reversal, are often associated with exponentially long transition times described by Arrhenius' law. The associated subexponential prefactor, given by the Eyring-Kramers formula, has recently been rigorously derived for systems in detailed balance, resulting in a sharp limiting estimate for transition times and reaction rates. Unfortunately, this formula does not trivially apply to systems with conserved quantities, which are ubiquitous in the sciences: The associated zeromodes lead to divergences in the prefactor. We demonstrate how a generalised formula can be derived, and show its applicability to a wide range of systems, including stochastic partial differential equations from fluctuating hydrodynamics, with applications in rupture of nanofilm coatings and social segregation in socioeconomics.


Sharp Asymptotic Estimates for Expectations, Probabilities, and Mean First Passage Times in Stochastic Systems with Small Noise

T. Grafke, T. Schäfer, and E. Vanden-Eijnden, Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 77 (2024) 2268


Freidlin-Wentzell theory of large deviations can be used to compute the likelihood of extreme or rare events in stochastic dynamical systems via the solution of an optimization problem. The approach gives exponential estimates that often need to be refined via calculation of a prefactor. Here it is shown how to perform these computations in practice. Specifically, sharp asymptotic estimates are derived for expectations, probabilities, and mean first passage times in a form that is geared towards numerical purposes: they require solving well-posed matrix Riccati equations involving the minimizer of the Freidlin-Wentzell action as input, either forward or backward in time with appropriate initial or final conditions tailored to the estimate at hand. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated on several examples. In particular, invariant measure probabilities and mean first passage times are calculated in models involving stochastic partial differential equations of reaction-advection-diffusion type.



Metadynamics for transition paths in irreversible dynamics

T. Grafke, A. Laio, Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 22, Iss. 1 (2024)


Stochastic systems often exhibit multiple viable metastable states that are long-lived. Over very long timescales, fluctuations may push the system to transition between them, drastically changing its macroscopic configuration. In realistic systems, these transitions can happen via multiple physical mechanisms, corresponding to multiple distinct transition channels for a pair of states. In this paper, we use the fact that the transition path ensemble is equivalent to the invariant measure of a gradient flow in pathspace, which can be efficiently sampled via metadynamics. We demonstrate how this pathspace metadynamics, previously restricted to reversible molecular dynamics, is in fact very generally applicable to metastable stochastic systems, including irreversible and time-dependent ones, and allows to estimate rigorously the relative probability of competing transition paths. We showcase this approach on the study of a stochastic partial differential equation describing magnetic field reversal in the presence of advection.



Optimal Transition Paths for AMOC Collapse and Recovery in a Stochastic Box Model

Jelle Soons, Tobias Grafke, Henk A. Dijkstra


The present-day Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is considered to be in a bi-stable regime and hence it is important to determine probabilities and pathways for noise-induced transitions between its equilibrium states. Here, using Large Deviation Theory (LDT), the most probable transition pathways for the collapse and recovery of the AMOC are computed in a stochastic box model of the World Ocean. This allows us to determine the physical mechanisms of noise-induced AMOC transitions. We show that the most likely path of an AMOC collapse starts paradoxically with a strengthening of the AMOC followed by an immediate drop within a couple of years due to a short but relatively strong freshwater pulse. The recovery on the other hand is a slow process, where the North Atlantic needs to be gradually salinified over a course of 20 years. The proposed method provides several benefits, including an estimate of probability ratios of collapse between various freshwater noise scenarios, showing that the AMOC is most vulnerable to freshwater forcing into the Atlantic thermocline region.


Saddle avoidance of noise-induced transitions in multiscale systems

Reyk Börner, Ryan Deeley, Raphael Römer, Tobias Grafke, Valerio Lucarini, Ulrike Feudel


In multistable dynamical systems driven by weak Gaussian noise, transitions between competing states are often assumed to pass via a saddle on the separating basin boundary. In contrast, we show that timescale separation can cause saddle avoidance in non-gradient systems. Using toy models from neuroscience and ecology, we study cases where sample transitions deviate strongly from the instanton predicted by Large Deviation Theory, even for weak finite noise. We attribute this to a flat quasipotential and propose an approach based on the Onsager-Machlup action to aptly predict transition paths.


Nano-Monsterwellen in hauchdünnen Flüssigkeitsfilmen

Monsterwellen können dutzende Meter hoch werden. Doch die seltenen Mega-Wogen treten auch im Allerkleinsten auf - und sind dort sogar wichtiger: Sie steuern das Verhalten hauchdünner Flüssigkeitsfilme.


Scalable Methods for Computing Sharp Extreme Event Probabilities in Infinite-Dimensional Stochastic Systems

T. Schorlepp, S. Tong, T. Grafke, and G. Stadler, Statistics and Computing 33 (2023), 137


We introduce and compare computational techniques for sharp extreme event probability estimates in stochastic differential equations with small additive Gaussian noise. In particular, we focus on strategies that are scalable, i.e. their efficiency does not degrade upon spatial and temporal refinement. For that purpose, we extend algorithms based on the Laplace method for estimating the probability of an extreme event to infinite dimensions. The method estimates the limiting exponential scaling using a single realization of the random variable, the large deviation minimizer. Finding this minimizer amounts to solving an optimization problem governed by a differential equation. The probability estimate becomes sharp when it additionally includes prefactor information, which necessitates computing the determinant of a second derivative operator to evaluate a Gaussian integral around the minimizer. We present an approach in infinite dimensions based on Fredholm determinants, and develop numerical algorithms to compute these determinants efficiently for the high-dimensional systems that arise upon discretization. We also give an interpretation of this approach using Gaussian process covariances and transition tubes. An example model problem, for which we also provide an open-source python implementation, is used throughout the paper to illustrate all methods discussed. To study the performance of the methods, we consider examples of stochastic differential and stochastic partial differential equations, including the randomly forced incompressible three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations.



Rogue nanowaves: A route to film rupture

J. E. Sprittles, J. Liu, D. A. Lockerby, and T. Grafke, Phys. Rev. Fluids 8 (2023), L092001


Sufficiently thin liquid films on solid surfaces are often unstable to intermolecular forces and it is commonly assumed that their rupture occurs via a linear instability mechanism in the so-called spinodal regime. Here, a theoretical framework is created for the experimentally observed thermal regime, in which fluctuation-induced nanowaves rupture linearly stable films. Molecular simulations in a quasi-2D geometry identify these regimes and are accurately reproduced by stochastic simulations based on fluctuating hydrodynamics. Rare-event theory is then applied to, and developed for, this field to provide exceptional computational efficiency and accuracy that allows us to extend calculations deep into the thermal regime. Analysis of the rare-event theory reveals a picture of how and when “rogue nanowaves” are able to provide a route to film rupture. Finally, future applications of the new theoretical framework and experimental verification is discussed.


Symmetries and Zero Modes in Sample Path Large Deviations

T. Schorlepp, T. Grafke, and R. Grauer, J Stat Phys 190 (2023), 50


Sharp large deviation estimates for stochastic differential equations with small noise, based on minimizing the Freidlin-Wentzell action functional under appropriate boundary conditions, can be obtained by integrating certain matrix Riccati differential equations along the large deviation minimizers or instantons, either forward or backward in time. Previous works in this direction often rely on the existence of isolated minimizers with positive definite second variation. By adopting techniques from field theory and explicitly evaluating the large deviation prefactors as functional determinant ratios using Forman's theorem, we extend the approach to general systems where degenerate submanifolds of minimizers exist. The key technique for this is a boundary-type regularization of the second variation operator. This extension is particularly relevant if the system possesses continuous symmetries that are broken by the instantons. We find that removing the vanishing eigenvalues associated with the zero modes is possible within the Riccati formulation and amounts to modifying the initial or final conditions and evaluation of the Riccati matrices. We apply our results in multiple examples including a dynamical phase transition for the average surface height in short-time large deviations of the one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with flat initial profile.

