Note some changes (agreed at the Node Leaders Meeting March 2000) of task title, incorporation of protein part of T12 into T13, polarobreather part of T12 into T8, addition of spin systems to T3, interstellar carbon moved from T5 to T7, spectral hole burning moved from T5 to T6, T6 to include temporal randomness as well as spatial. Also (agreed at the Midterm review, Sept 2002) addition of a new task T16 to bring together work on Targetted Energy Transfer which was occurring under a variety of tasks.

The task of a task coordinator is to coordinate the task: keep track of progress, stimulate progress where required to keep to the timetable of milestones (see Work Programme), report to the Network coordinator for each annual report and if any problems arise.

# Task Coordinator
T1 Breather existence Jacques-Alexandre Sepulchre
T2 Breather quantisation Sergej Flach
T3 Coupled quantum rotors or spins Francois Fillaux
T4 Breather mobility Chris Eilbeck
T5 Phonon-breather interactions and self-localisation Thierry Dauxois
T6 Randomness and nonlinearity Juan Archilla
T7 Slow relaxation Roberto Livi
T8 Polarons Serge Aubry
T9 Josephson arrays Alexey Ustinov
T10 Friction and nonlinear conductivity Claude Baesens
T11 Proton transfer Mariette Barthes
T12 Polarobreathers (incorporated into T8 and T13)
T13 DNA and Proteins Michel Peyrard
T14 Biomotors Mario Floria
T15 Materials George Tsironis
T16 Targetted Energy Transfer Serge Aubry