Discrete Probability in Spetses

AKSS, Spetses island, Greece, April 21-25, 2020 (Tuesday-Saturday).

Invited speakers:
Omer Angel (UBC)
Juhan Aru* (EPFL)
Itai Benjamini (Weizman)
Bela Bollobas (Memphis/Cambridge)
Dimitris Cheliotis (NKUA)
Andreas Galanis (Oxford)
John Haslegrave (Warwick)
Tyler Helmuth (Bristol)
Alexander Holroyd* (Bristol)
Tom Hutchcroft* (Cambridge)
Svante Janson (Uppsala)
Mihyun Kang (Graz)
Peter Keevash (Oxford)
Gady Kozma (Weizman)
Michael Krivelevich* (Tel Aviv)
Michalis Loulakis (NTUA)
Bhargav Narayanan (Rutgers)
Evita Nestoridi (Princeton)
Christoforos Panagiotis (Warwick)
Ron Peled* (Tel Aviv)
Robin Pemantle* (Pennsylvania)
Will Perkins (Illinois at Chicago)
Gabor Pete* (Budapest)
Doron Puder (Tel Aviv)
Vittoria Silvestri (La Sapienza)
Alex Stauffer (Roma Tre/Bath)
John Sylvester (Cambridge)
Matthew Tointon (Cambridge)
Wolfgang Woess* (Graz)
Nikos Zygouras (Warwick)

*: to be confirmed.

Organised by Agelos Georgakopoulos

Sponsored by the ERC project "Random Graph Geometry and Convergence".
Participation is by invitation only due to the limited capacity of the venue, but you can ask to be invited by writing to Agelos.