Ian Melbourne's Reprint List

Steady-state bifurcation/singularity theory

  1. I. Melbourne. Symmetry and symmetry breaking in dynamical systems. Encycl. Math. Phys. (eds. J.-P. Francoise, G.L. Naber and S.T. Tsou). Oxford: Elsevier, 2006, vol. 5, pp. 184-190.
    ( abstract, pdf file )

  2. I. Melbourne. Maximal isotropy subgroups for absolutely irreducible representations of compact Lie groups. Nonlinearity 7 (1994) 1385-1393
    ( abstract, postscript file or pdf file )

  3. E. Barany and I. Melbourne. A family of stable equilibria in bifurcation with spherical symmetry, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 23 (1992) 72-80
    ( abstract )

  4. P. Chossat, R. Lauterbach and I. Melbourne. Steady-state bifurcation with O(3)-symmetry, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 113 (1990) 313-376
    ( abstract )

  5. I. Melbourne. The recognition problem for equivariant singularities, Nonlinearity 1 (1988) 215-240
    ( abstract )

  6. I. Melbourne. A singularity theory analysis of bifurcation problems with octahedral symmetry, Dynam. Stab. Sys. 1 (1986) 293-321
    ( abstract )