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The first four talks are scheduled as follows. The
full schedule will be arranged on the first day of the meeting.
Talks will be at 11.00am, 2.00pm and 4.00pm with
coffee served at 10.30am and 3.00pm.
All talks take place
in Room 10AA04 in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
(Building AA, 4th floor).
Monday, 27th August:
- 7.30pm
- Conference dinner at Olivo.
Tuesday, 28th August:
- 10.30am
- Coffee in Room 31AA04
- 11.00am
- Jean-Pierre Conze (Rennes) :
Martingale method in limit theorems
for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems: example of an automorphism of
a nilmanifold
- 2.00pm
- Omri Sarig (Warwick) :
- 3.00pm
- Coffee in Room 31AA04
- 4.00pm
- Richard Sharp (Manchester) :
A local limit theorem for closed geodesics and homology
Wednesday, 29th August:
- 10.30am
- Coffee in Room 31AA04
- 11.00am
- Francois Ledrappier (Ecole Polytechnique) :
Ergodicity of the stable foliation of frame flows
Ian Melbourne