\(\newcommand{\Aut}{\operatorname{Aut}}\)\(\newcommand{\from}{\colon}\)\(\newcommand{\cross}{\times}\)\(\newcommand{\cover}[1]{{\widetilde{#1}}}\)\(\newcommand{\CC}{\mathbb{C}}\)\(\newcommand{\FF}{\mathbb{F}}\)\(\newcommand{\QQ}{\mathbb{Q}}\)\(\newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}}\)\(\newcommand{\ZZ}{\mathbb{Z}}\)Questions handed in by students before 2018-12-02. Exercises - 1. In the last assignment sheet, a (non-marked) question asked us to numerically approximate roots of a polynomial. Are we expected to know the formula for Newton-Rhapson method (and similar) for the exam? Answer: No. For the assignment I expected you to use a computer to obtain the numerical approximations (but of course any method would have been acceptable). Exam problems will be phrased differently, to minimise numerical computations. General mathematics - 1. Is there an algebraic structure (that is a field) with a third group which has the properties i) a * b = b * a ii) a * (b . c) = a . b * a . c iii) for all a there is a b st ab = e_* where e_* is the neutral element for * Answer: I assume that you mean "with a third operation" making (part of?) the underlying set a group. But I don't have a good answer to this. Googling around I found this: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/120875/ring-with-three-binary-operations The comments here tend in two directions. The first is towards examples: Hopf algebras, Lie algebras, Poisson algebras, Gerstenhaber algebras, and more. The second is towards non-existence results such as the Eckmann-Hilton theorem. Administration - 1. Would it be possible to have more lecture notes printed and available at the undergraduate office. Answer: More notes are now available.