Math 151, Sections 1-3 and 74
Fall 2004

Course Description

"Math 151 presents the differential calculus of the elementary functions of a single real variable: the rational, trigonometric and exponential functions and their inverses; various applications via the Mean Value Theorem; and an introduction to the integral calculus." (Taken from the general Math 151 webpage.)

Class grades

Across all of my sections 79 students took the final exam. The average score was 123 out of a possible 200. The median score was 126. The highest/lowest were 198/19.

As for overall class scores (out of 100) the average score, among students who took the final exam, was 65 and the median was 66. Highest/lowest was 97/16. I set the following cut-offs: 83 and above was an A, 78 and above was a B+, 72 and above was a B, 64 and above was a C+, 58 and above was a C, 57 was a D, and lower was an F. I took the advice of some senior faculty members and made an exception to these cut-offs for the (very rare) students with a weaker class score but a relatively strong final exam.

Lastly, and again among students who took the final exam, I assigned seven A's, nine B+'s, fifteen B's, ten C+'s, sixteen C's, two D's, and twenty F's.

Please don't hesitate to contact me via email with any questions you have. I hope that you enjoyed the course!

All the best,



The schedule has a list of topics, organized by week. The suggested homework and links to the workshops will be added as the semester progresses.

Instructor and TAs

Name Office E-mail Phone Office Hours
Saul Schleimer HLL-207 saulsch at dontinclude dot math dot rutgers dot edu 732-445-1935 Tu 11:30, Th 2:30
Corina Calinescu HLL-606 calines at dontinclude dot math dot rutgers dot edu N/A Tu 4:30-6:00
Yongzhong Xu HLL-508 xuyz at dontinclude dot math dot rutgers dot edu N/A Tu 6:10-7:30

Class meetings

Attendance will not be taken.

Section/Activity Run by Time Location Peer Mentor
01-03/Lecture Saul Schleimer MTh 11:30-12:50 PM SEC-209 None
01/Workshop Corina Calinescu W 11:30-12:50 PM ARC-203 Joseph Wolf
02/Workshop Corina Calinescu W 1:10-2:30 PM ARC-108 Zixi Huang
03/Workshop Corina Calinescu W 2:50-4:10 PM ARC-203 Swarup Shah
74/Lecture Saul Schleimer TTh 4:30-5:50 PM BE-121 None
74/Workshop Saul Schleimer M 4:30-5:50 PM BE-111 Philip Engel
74/Practicum Yongzhong Xu W 4:45-5:40 PM LSH-B116 None


The text for this course, by James Stewart, is titled Calculus, Early Transcendentals. Please consult the textbook page for more information and other resources. Note also that there are many useful sites on the World Wide Web.

You might think about using a graphing calculator. I have on my desk a TI-83 Plus, which is the flavor the math department seems to favor. There are several on-line tutorials on its use.

Finally, there is an official cheat-sheet which you may use on all quizzes and exams. There are many other collections of formulae on-line which may be useful in doing the homework and workshops.


Homework will not be collected. See the schedule for suggested problems.


The workshops will be posted on the schedule. Workshop write-ups will be collected at the beginning of the following meeting. Late work will not be accepted. Every workshop write-up will be graded out of ten points; five for mathematical correctness and five for presentation. Your lowest workshop score will be dropped.


All quizzes and exams are closed book and closed calculator. However, as noted above, you may bring the official cheat-sheet with you to all quizzes and exams. (It will be provided for the class final.)

There will be a weekly quiz. All problems on the quiz will be taken directly from the homework posted on the schedule. Every quiz will be graded out of five points. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped.

There will be two midterms and a final.
Midterm 1 : The week of 10/11, in class.
Midterm 2 : Thursday 11/11, in class.
Final Exam: Thursday, 12/16, 4-7pm (Group F) Location: SEC-111.

Note that at least 50% of the problems on each midterm will be taken from the homework.


The final score is composed of 10% for quizzes, 20% for workshop problems, 20% for each midterm (there are two), and 30% for the final. The creation of class (letter) grades is a bit complicated.


Please tell me in person, or via email, about any errors on this website or made (by me!) in class.