Monday 3 - Friday 7 November 2008
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Monday 3 November 2008
- 09:00-12:00 Registration in Room B1.37 in the Mathematics Institute
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 13:00-13:15 Opening remarks
- 13:15-14:00 F. Sahraoui (CETP/IPSL) Phase coherence, structures, intermittency in magnetized space plasmas
- 14:00-14:45 D.Dritschel (St Andrews) Inviscid shallow water turbulence
- 14:45-15:15 Tea in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 15:15-16:00 A. Peeters (Warwick) Momentum transport in fusion devices due to small scale turbulence
- 16:00-16:45 B. Ecke (LANL) Turbulent mixing in stably stratified flows: Applications to oceanic overflows and global climate change
- 16:45-17:45 Four short talks
- H. Latter (ENS Paris) Coherent structures in accretion-disk turbulence
- M. Bustamante (Warwick) New results on nonlinear resonance dynamics
Tuesday 4 November 2008
- 09:00-09:40 M. McIntyre (Cambridge) There's no such thing as turbulence without waves: reflections on Jupiter and the several different Rhines scales
- 09:40-10:20 C. Staquet (INPG) Numerical study of a two-dimensional internal gravity wave attractor
- 10:20-10:50 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 10:50-11:30 P. Bartello (McGill) Wave saturation in stratified turbulence
- 11:30-12:10 S. Fauve (ENS Paris) A mechanism for reversals of large scale fields driven by turbulence
- 12:10-13:40 Lunch / Poster session in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 13:40-14:20 J.M. Chomaz (CNRS Palaiseau) Nonlinear evolution of the zigzag instability instratified fluids: a shortcut on the route to dissipation
- 14:20-15:00 S. Kida (Kyoto) Flows in a precessing sphere
- 15:00-15:30 Tea in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 15:30-16:10 S. Sukoriansky (Ben Gurion) The QNSE theory of anisotropic turbulence and waves in flows with stable stratification
- 16:10-16:50 P.A. Davidson (Cambridge) Structure formation in rotating, stratified and MHD turbulence
- 16:50-17:30 F. Bouchet (CNRS Nice) The stochastic Orr mechanism and the fluctuations of self organised 2D turbulent flows
- 17:30-18:10 J. Shipton (Oxford) Spherical shallow water turbulence: cyclone-anticyclone asymmetry, potential vorticity homogenisation and jet formation
Wednesday 5 November 2008
- 09:00-09:40 S. Cowley (UKAEA) Anisotropic structure in Fusion Turbulence
- 09:40-10:20 S. Galtier (Paris-sud) Structures and waves in anisotropic MHD turbulence
- 10:20-10:50 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 10:50-11:30 T. Heinemann (Cambridge) The excitation of inertial-acoustic waves in turbulent accretion disks
- 11:30-12:10 G. Lesur (Cambridge) Non linear dynamos in accretion disc turbulence
- 12:10-13:40 Lunch
- 13:40-14:20 E. Lee (UCAR) Paradigmatic
flows for small-scale magnetohydrodynamics based on symmetric
design:properties of ideal and dissipative simulations and the
collision of current sheets
- 14:20-15:00 K. Ngan (Met Office) Predictability of rotating stratified turbulence
- 15:00-15:30 Tea in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 15:30-16:10 C. Connaughton (Warwick) Modulational instability of Rossby/drift waves and generation of zonal jets
- 16:10-16:50 O. Alexandrova (Cologne) Anisotropy and dissipation in space plasma turbulence
- 16:50-17:30 A. Schekochihin (Imperial) Weak Alfen-wave turbulence revisited
- 17:30-18:10 Discussion
- 19:00 Dinner
Thursday 6 November 2008
- 09:00-09:40 B. Galperin (USF) Nonlinear waves and coherent vortices in beta-plane turbulence
- 09:40-10:20 C.V.Tran (St Andrews) Scalar transport and diffusion in smooth flows
- 10:20-10:50 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 10:50-11:30 P. Berloff (WHOI) Formation of multiple zonal jets in the ocean
- 11:30-12:10 J.B. Flor (INPG) Frontal instabilities in a differentially rotating stratified fluid
- 12:10-13:40 Lunch / Posters in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 13:40-14:20 A. Thompson (Cambridge) Scaling baroclinic eddy fluxes: vortices and jets
- 14:20-15:00 F. Rincon (Toulouse) Scale-by-scale budgets, anisotropy and inhomogeneity in soft convective turbulence
- 15:00-15:30 Tea in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 15:30-16:10 V. Zeitlin (ENS Lyon) Free-wave-trapped wave resonances in oceanic waveguides
- 16:10-16:50 J. Hunt (UCL) Very inhomogeneous/anisotropic turbulence near interfaces-the key to most turbulence structures
- 16:50-17:30 R. Kerr (Warwick) Cascades and structure functions in the atmospheric boundary layer
- 17:30-18:10 F. Moisy (UPS) Structure functions, intermittency and dimensionalityof decaying rotating turbulence
Friday 7 November 2008
- 09:00-09:40 A. Pouquet (NCAR) Waves
and eddies in rotating flows at moderate Rossby and large Reynolds
numbers and the possibility of new scaling laws in the presence of
- 09:40-10:20 W. Bos (EC Lyon) Zonal flows in two-dimensional MHD turbulence
- 10:20-10:50 Coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 10:50-11:30 C. Cambon (Lyon) Rotating
and/or MHD turbulence with imposed magnetic field: Recent progresses
using axisymmetric (strongly anisotropic) statistical triadic closure, incorporatinG RDT and wave-turbulence theory
- 11:30-12:10 TBA TBA
- 12:10-13:40 Lunch
- 13:40-14:20 T. Yousef (Cambridge) Alfen wave turbulence - some new numerical results
- 14:20-15:00 Discussion
- 15:00-16:00 Tea in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 16:00-17:00 Colloquium K. Moffatt (Cambridge) Magnetostrophic turbulence driven by buoyancy
- 17:30 Cheese and wine in the Mathematics Institute Common Room