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Workshop: Singularities, coherent structures and their role in intermittent turbulence     September 9-17, 2005.
maths building

The programme of this event consists of three types of talks.

Professors Uriel Frisch, James Robinson  and Vladimir Zakharov will give a two-hour lecture course each aimed at introducing the beginning researchers and non-specialists into the subject of singularities and their role in turbulence. Uriel Frisch will emphasise the role of numerical methods.
James Robinson will give an introduction into the basic analytic techniques in the singularity search. Vladimir Zakharov will speak about the singular collapses in the Nonlinear Schroedinger model which describes some optical systems and supercold Bose gases with attractive potentials (e.g. Lithium).

The rest of the talks will be one-hour and 45 min long. The hour talks will contain a longer general introduction aimed at introducing the audience into the broader subject, whereas the 45 min talks will be more focused and research oriented.

Mathematics Research Centre pursues an "open door" policy which implies that everybody is welcome to attend activities of the Warwick Turbulence Symposium. There will be no registration fee, you just need to register at MRC.


Mathematics (Zeeman) building, room MS.01

     September 9, Friday
           Search for singularity in fluids   
10.00 - 10.50
Registration, Coffee
10.50 - 11.00
Welcome from the Organisers
11.00 - 12.00
Uriel Frisch, Nice,
Complex singularities for Euler flow     I
12.00 - 1.30
1.30 - 2.15
Eugene Benilov, Limerick, Ireland,
A new type of instability: singular solutions in a linear system
with a complete set of stable eigenmodes
2.15 - 3.00
Walter Pauls, Nice,

Complex Lagrangian singularities of steady flows
3.00 - 4.00
4.00 - 5.00
Yves Pomeau, Arizona, ENS-Paris,
Constranits on Leray singularities in incompressible 3D Euler
Buffet dinner in the common room
    September 10, Saturday
          Search for singularity in fluids   
9.00 - 10.00 Koji Okhitani, Kyoto,

A blow-up problem of class of axisymmetric Navier-Stokes flows and Fujita equation
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.30 James Robinson, Warwick,

Regularity and singularity in the 3d Navier-Stokes equations I
11.30 - 12.30 Victor Shrira, Keele
 On blow-up  in incompressible inviscid fluid dynamics
12.30 - 2.00 Lunch
2.00 onwards
Discussions, collaborations, free time
    September 11, Sunday           No talks
14.00 -21.00
Trip to Warwick Castle
    September 12, Monday         Search for singularity in fluids  
9.00 - 10.00 James Robinson, Warwick,

Regularity and singularity in the 3d Navier-Stokes equations II.
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.30 Tom Hou, Caltech,
Dynamic generation and depletion of small scales in 3D incompressible flows
and turbulent modeling
11.30 - 12.30 Peter Constantin, University of Chicago,

Dissipation and Regularity for Nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Navier-Stokes
12.30 - 2.00
2.00 - 3.00
Uriel Frisch, Nice,
Complex singularities for Euler flow  II
3.00- 3.45
Tea break
3.45 - 4.45
Jens Eggers, Bristol,

  A catalog of singularities
4.45 - 5.45 Evgenii Kuznetsov, Landau,
Breaking of vortex lines in the hydrodynamic type models
5.45 - onwards
Discussions, free time

    September 13, Tuesday Singularities and Turbulence
9.00 - 10.00 Robert Kerr, Warwick,

A framework for velocity and length in collapsing Euler vortices
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.30 Alain Pumir, Nice,
Restricted Euler model : from singularities to stochastic modeling of turbulent
11.30 - 12.15 Takeshi Matsumoto, Kyoto University,
Complex singularities of Euler flows
12.15 - 2.00
2.00 - 3.00
John Gibbon, ICL,

3D Euler & quaternions: a way of looking at the growth & direction of vorticity
3.00 - 4.00
4.00 - 5.00
Edriss Titi, Weizmann,
Mathematical Study of Certain Geophysical Models     
5.00 - 5.45 Dongho Chae, Sungkyunkwan University-Korea,

On the enstrophy estimates and singularity problems for the 3D Euler equations
5.45 onwards
Discussions, free time
    September 14, Wednesday NLS Model, optical and quantum turbulence
9.00 - 10.00 Vladimir Zakharov, Landau and Arizona,

Singularities in nonlinear optics and hydrodynamics I
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.15 Sergei Turitsin and Vladimir K. Mezentsev, Aston Univertity, UK
Modern developments in optical applications of NLSE
11.15 - 12.15 Carlo Barenghi, Newcastle

Interactions of vortices and dissipation of kinetic energy in superfluid turbulence
12.15 - 2.00 Lunch
2.00 - 3.00
Sergey Nazarenko, Warwick,

Waves and Vortices in NLS turbulence
3.00 - 4.00 Tea break
4.00 - 5.00
Renzo Ricca, Milano
Measures of structural complexity of vortex tangles
5.00 - 6.00
Posters, Discussions
Dinner in Earlsdon

     September 15, Thursday
Coherent structures in hydrodynamic turbulence
9.00 - 10.00
Norman Zabusky, Rutgers,

Richtmyer-Meshkov flows: Shock accelerated vortex deposition, evolution and baroclinic turbulence

10.00 - 10.30
Coffee break
10.30 - 11.15
Sergei Chernyshenko, Southampton,
Origin of streaky pattern in near-wall turbulent flow.   
11.15 - 12.00
Christos Vassilicos, Imperial,
Multiple-scale coherent flow structure of isotropic turbulence. 
12.00 - 1.30
1.30 - 2.30
Marc Brachet 
Can truncated Euler dynamics reproduce turbulent scaling?
2.30 - 3.15
Igor Rogachevskii, Ben-Gurion University, Israel,
Formation of Coherent Structures in Turbulent 
Convection: Observations, Theory and Experiments
3.15 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.45
Misha Chertkov, Los Alamos,

Effects of surface tension on immiscible Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence
4.45 - 5.30
Eduardo Wesfreid, PMMH-ESPCI, Paris,
Forced wakes.
    September 16, Friday Structures and Singularities in fluids and other turbulent media
9.00 - 10.00 Vladimir Zakharov, Landau and Arizona,

Singularities in nonlinear optics and hydrodynamics II
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 11.15  Zhen-Su She, Peking and UCLA

Classification of turbulent structures based on interated function system
11.15 - 12.00 Colm Connaughton, Los Alamos
Finite size effects in 2 dimensional turbulence
12.00 - 1.30 Lunch
1.30 - 2.30 Alan Newell, Arizona

Singularities and the formation of Kolmogorov spectra in wave turbulence
2.30 - 3.15 Arkady Tsinober,  TAU, Israel

Batchelor's frustration of turbulence revisited or how much does mathematics help to understand turbulence
3.15 - 4.00 Tea Break
4.00 - 4.45 Aime Fournier, NCAR,

Dynamically adaptive simulation of coherent structures in hydrodynamic
turbulence using GASpAR
4.45 - 5.30 Demosthenes Kivotides, Newcastle,
Vortex dynamics of a structured turbulence concept
5.30 onwards
Discussions over wine and snacks in the common room
    September 17, Saturday Day for discussions and collaborations of participants