A Code for Simulating Scroll Waves
Dwight Barkley and Matthew Dowle

Copyright (C) 1996-1998, 2006-2007

EZ-Scroll is free software and you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Download EZ-Scroll Version 1 ezscroll_1_5.tar.gz

Installation Instructions:

Create a directory for the ezscroll package and put ezscroll_1_5.tar.gz there. Then
prompt> gunzip -c ezscroll_1_5.tar.gz | tar  xvf -
Then latex the ez3d_doc.tex file and follow the directions from there.


A Code for Simulating Spiral Waves

Copyright (C) 1992, 1994, 1997, 2002, 2007     Dwight Barkley

EZ-Spiral is a simplified version of the C program that I have used to study the dynamics of spiral waves in excitable media. EZ-Spiral is designed to be as simple as possible while offering what I believe to be the most important features for spiral simulations.

EZ-Spiral is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Download Version 3 ezspiral_3_2.tar.gz

Download Version 2 ezspiral_2_4.tar.gz

Installation Instructions:

Create a directory for the ezspiral package and put ezspiral_3_2.tar.gz there. Then
prompt> gunzip -c ezspiral_3_2.tar.gz | tar  xvf -
Then latex the ez_doc.tex file and follow the directions from there.


Code for computing steady spirals and straight-twisted scroll waves
Copyright (C) 2002     Dwight Barkley

I have put this code on the web because a number of people have requested it. The only documentation is in the code itself. The methods are described (briefly) in various papers. Note that this code does not include the Green's function needed to handle the case of slow diffusion. The radial derivatives are computed using only 2nd-order finite-differences. At some point I may restore the original 4th-order finite-difference method. This code requires the LAPACK routines dgbtrs and dgbtrf (and everything they depend on) for matrix inversion.

Download steady_2aug02.tar.gz
Download ezplot_2aug02.tar.gz if you want the graphics


Code for Model Simulations of Puffs and Slugs in Pipe Flow
Copyright (C) 2011    Dwight Barkley

This is a small code for model simulations of puffs, puff splitting, and slugs in pipe flow. While the simple models are easy enough to program, I provide here an X11/OpenGL based graphics code (similar to ezspiral and ezscroll). The interactive graphics provides a convenient and instructive way to simulate the models.



Download ezpipe_v0.3.tar.gz.
untar (tar -zxvf ezpipe_v0.3.tar.gz).
See ezpipe/README for brief instructions.