Andrew Duncan

Mathematics Institute
University of Warwick CV4 7AL
email: Andrew[dot]Duncan[at]warwick[dot]ac[dot]uk

I am a final year PhD student in the Mathematics Institute. I am working under the supervision of Professor Andrew Stuart and Professor Charlie Elliot.


My research interest is applied mathematics, in particular multiscale systems. I am currently investigating the behaviour of reaction-diffusion equations on (possibly random) surfaces with small-scale, high-frequency fluctuations with an application to understanding the dynamics of lateral diffusion on cellular membranes.

General Academic Interests

My interests lie generally within the intersection between Computation, Analysis and Probability. Numerical algorithms for solving PDES with multiple scales or involving random media. Bayesian methods for inverse problems. Parameter estimation for problems involving multiple scales. Stochastic Modelling in Biology. Classical and stochastic homogenisation.


Previously, I had completed an M.Sc at the Centre for Scientific Computing at Warwick. My M.Sc thesis was entitled "Diffusions on Random Surfaces". Before this, I finished an M.Sc at the University of Malta where I studied properties of Quantum Measures on Inner Product Spaces. My thesis was entitled "A study of measures on the splitting subspaces of an inner product space".


Supervisor for First year M.Math students
T.A. for MA3G7 Functional Analysis 1
T.A for the 3 week C++ crash course of MASDOC C1: Scientific Computing
T.A. for MA398 Matrix Analysis and Algorithms
T.A. for MA3H0 Numerical Analysis and PDEs
T.A for the 3 week C++ crash course of MASDOC C1: Scientific Computing
T.A. for MA3H0 Numerical Analysis and PDEs
