BrianMobius band

Brian Sanderson's Homepage

I am a mathematician emeritus at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Warwick. Here is the list of some of my my publications.
Some correspondence with Sir Christofer Zeeman in 1963-64

Knot Theory

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Papers with Roger Fenn and Colin Rourke

Papers with Colin Rourke

Views of the Projective Plane

Maple worksheets and Animations

Maple Output

Tilings and patterns

Other maths related stuff

The Mathematics Institute Sculpture.
Here are aerial photographs of the Mathematics Institute before and after the new extension.

Other interests include:
hang gliding and foot launched powered flying,
Tin whistle. Here is a handy key change chart. Irish modes
Photograpy - Anomalous green wedge-shaped crepuscular ray, possibly caused by a very bright green flash during sunset (sunset on a cloud under the observer's horizon).

My house. This is a .gif file containing an aerial photo.

Wolfhamcote my village.

Here I am on funky web site of the day July 11 1995.

Exam time - a poem

Snail mail me or email me.
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