The NEMDA 1991 Census Statistical Papers

This series of ten papers was published between 1992 and 1995, with the aim of making information on minority ethnic groups hidden within the computer files of the 1991 Census of Population more readily available to people who needed up-to-date information. The first four provide a brief overview of key social and economic data for all ten ethnic groups identified by the Census, the fifth analysed data on country of birth, and numbers 6 to 9 studied the characteristics of Black, South Asian, "Chinese and Other" and Irish groups in greater depth. The final paper in the series contained estimates of how the minority population was changing over the decade 1981-91.

A brief summary of their contents:
1. Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain: Settlement Patterns: Describes the geographical distribution of minority groups, contains information on the regional and county distribution of ethnic groups, and lists the largest local concentrations of minority ethnic groups. View the conclusions page.
2. Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain: Age and gender structure: Compares the age and sex composition of minority ethnic groups. Highlights contrasts in median age, sex ratios, dependency ratios. View the conclusions page.
3. Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain: Economic circumstances: Provides basic information on the contrasting patterns of economic activity (employment, unemployment, self-employment and economic inactivity) by ethnic group. Men and women are contrasted and the experience of young adults identified. View the conclusions page.
4. Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain: Housing and family characteristics: Identifies contrasts in housing tenure and in household and family structure by ethnic group, e.g. household size and family types. Also identifies contrasting experiences on common deprivation indicators. View the conclusions page.
5. Country of birth: Settlement Patterns: Identifies the size of the population born outside Great Britain and its geographical distribution. Contrasts populations with different geographical origins. View the conclusions page.
6. Black people in Great Britain: Social and economic circumstances: Covers a range of social and economic indicators for the three Census "Black" ethnic groups: Black-Caribbean, Black-African and Black-Other, in comparison with white people and minority ethnic groups as a whole. Includes age and sex structure, geographical distribution, housing tenure, household and family structure, contrasts in limiting long-term illness, economic activity by age and sex, employment by occupation and industry, unemployment, participation in post-16 education and higher education qualifications. View the conclusions page.
7. South Asian people in Great Britain: Social and economic circumstances: Addresses the same topics as (6) for the South Asian ethnic groups: Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi people. View the conclusions page.
8. Chinese people and "Other" ethnic minorities in Great Britain: Social and economic circumstances: The same structure as (6) and (7) for the Chinese, Other-Asian and "Other-Other" ethnic groups. View the conclusions page.
9. Irish-born people in Great Britain: Settlement patterns and socio-economic circumstances: This covers the same topics as the previous three reports, but contrasts the Northern-Ireland born with those born in the Irish Republic. Compares Irish people with white and minority people. View the conclusions page.
10. Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain: Patterns of population change, 1981-91: Estimates change in population by ethnic group between 1981 and 1991. Makes estimates of changing birth death and migration rates, bringing together information from a range of sources. View the conclusions page.

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