Edited with Gareth Myles, ISBN 0199242291, Hardback, 368 pages, with name and subject indexes.
Published by Oxford University Press in March 2001.
Publisher's description: This volume celebrates the career of Nobel Laureate Sir James Mirrlees. The contributions are all by leading authorities and range over Mirrlees' fields of interest: the economics of information, welfare, taxation, project appraisal, and industrial organization. The book will appeal to a wide audience of economists working in microeconomic theory.
Table of Contents:
Part I: Perspective
1. Introduction, Peter J. Hammond and Gareth D. Myles
Part II: Information
2. Corporate Diversification and Agency, Benjamin E. Hermalin and Michael L. Katz
3. Adverse Selection and Insurance with uberrima fides, Avinash Dixit
4. Strategic Experimentation: the Undiscounted Case, Patrick Bolton and Christopher Harris
5. Approximate Common Knowledge in a Search Model, Hyun Song Shin
Part III: Welfare Economics
6. Wealth and Welfare, Partha Dasgupta
7. Adjusting One's Standard of Living: Two-Period Models, Peter Diamond and James Mirrlees
8. Who Should Provide Public Goods? Jun-ichi Itaya, David de Meza, and Gareth D. Myles
Part IV: Tax Theory
9. An Optimal Earnings Schedule, Sudhir Anand
10. Non-linear Utility Pricing and Targeting the Poor,
Ravi Kanbur, Ritva Tarkiainen, and Matti Tuomala
11. A Reconsideration of the Optimal Income Tax, Kevin Roberts
Part V: Project Appraisal
12. Reassessing the Diamond–Mirrlees Efficiency Theorem, Peter J. Hammond
13. Valuing Our Future: Cost–Benefit Analysis and Sustainability, Geoffrey Heal
14. Chinese Reforms from a Comparative Perspective,
Athar Hussain, Nicholas Stern, and Joseph Stiglitz
Part VI: Industrial Organization
15. Capital Structure and Imperfect Competition in Product Markets, Franklin Allen
16. Repeated Oligopoly Interaction, Joseph Farrell
17. Competing against Bundles, Barry Nalebuff
18. On the Optimal Location of Capital, Anthony J. Venables