Rule: The contr from a pure curve Ga of 1/r(1,r-1) is 1/&*[1-t^i : i in [1,1,r,r]] * ( -b*t^{r+1} + a*t^3*((1-t^(r-2)) div (1-t)) * ((1-t^r) div (1-t)) ); where b = deg Ga (in units of 1/r^2) and deg_Ga(E1-E{r-1}) = 2*r*a - 2*b. Comments: This is valid for r = 2, but then it doesn't involve a, and simplifies to b* -t^3 / &*[1-t^i : i in [1,1,2,2]]; If E1-E{r-1} = Oh_Ga(al) then the term deg_Ga(E1-E{r-1}) is al * b and a = (al+2)*b / 2*r; this is a problem in specifying a, b as integers: we have to take al and b so that (al + 2)*B is divisible by 2*r. The genus of Ga is present here: by adjunction K_Ga = K_Y + E1 + E{r-1}, so (for CY) 2g-2 = deg_Ga(E1+E{r-1}) = 2g-2. In Magma /* Contr of a 1/r(1,r-1) curve Ga is a * t^3 * ((1-t^(r-2)) div (1-t)) * ((1-t^r) div (1-t)) - b * t^{r+1} all over the standard denom 1/&*[1-t^i : i in [1,1,r,r]]. Note the funny way of putting in the parameters: b = deg Ga and deg_Ga(E1-E{r-1}) = 2*r*a - 2*b. */ function Ppc(r,a,b) X := t^3*((1-t^(r-2)) div (1-t)) * ((1-t^r) div (1-t)); Y := -t^(r+1); denom := &*[1-t^i : i in [1,1,r,r]]; return (a*X+b*Y)/denom; end function; =============== Rule: curve of 1/5(2,3) contr (a*X + b*Y)/[1,1,5,5] with X := -t^3*((1-t^5) div (1-t))*(3-2*t+3*t^2); Y := t^3*(1+t^2)*(1+t^2+t^4); where deg Ga = b and deg_Ga (E2-E3) = 10*a - 4*b; ============ Rule: curve of 1/7(2,5) contr (a*X+b*Y)/[1,1,7,7] with X := -t^3*((1-t^7) div (1-t))*(5-4*t+7*t^2-4*t^3+5*t^4); Y := t^3*(1+t^2+t^4)*(1+t^2+t^4+t^6); denom := &*[1-t^i : i in [1,1,7,7]]; where deg Ga = b and deg_Ga(E2-E5) = 14*a - 4*b? ============ [2,5,7,7,19,40], d:=40; A:=[2,5,7,7,19]; B:=[[19,5,7,7]]; a:=-1; b:=1; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B) - (a*X+b*Y)/denom; // 6*t^13+t^12+10*t^11+4*t^10+12*t^9+9*t^8+12*t^7+4*t^6+10*t^5+t^4+6*t^3 // -X+Y; deg Ga = 1; E2 = Oh(-2); E5 = Oh(40-5-19) = Oh(16), E2-E5 = Oh(-18) [2,5,7,7,19,40], d:=40; A:=[2,5,7,7,19]; B:=[[19,5,7,7]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // 6*t^13+t^12+10*t^11+4*t^10+12*t^9+9*t^8+12*t^7+4*t^6+10*t^5+t^4+6*t^3 // -X+Y; deg Ga = 1; E2 = Oh(-2); E5 = Oh(40-5-19) = Oh(16), E2-E5 = Oh(-18) [2,5,7,7,21,42], d:=42; A:=[2,5,7,7,21]; B:=[[5,1,2,2]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // -3*t^13-t^12-4*t^11-4*t^10-3*t^9-9*t^8-3*t^7-4*t^6-4*t^5-t^4-3*t^3 // deg Ga = 2; E2 = Oh(-2), E5 = Oh(-5) [2,5,7,7,21,42], d:=42; A:=[2,5,7,7,21]; B:=[[5,1,2,2]]; a:=1; b:=2; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B) - (a*X+b*Y)/denom; // -3*t^13-t^12-4*t^11-4*t^10-3*t^9-9*t^8-3*t^7-4*t^6-4*t^5-t^4-3*t^3 // deg Ga = 2; E2 = Oh(-2), E5 = Oh(-5) [3,4,7,7,7,28], d:=28; A:=[3,4,7,7,7]; B := [[3,1,1,1]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // -2*t^12-2*t^11-8*t^8-2*t^5-2*t^4 [4,7,10,14,35,70], d:=70; A:=[4,7,10,14,35]; B:=[[5,2,4,4]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B) - 70/(4*10*14)*Phalfc() + Pemb2(2); [3,4,7,7,21,42], d:=42; A:=[3,4,7,7,21]; B:=[[4, D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // does not have a tangent monomial at y [3,4,7,7,18,39], // curve of 1/2 with emb 1/4(3,3,2) and 1/18(4,7,7) [1,4,7,7,9,28], // doesn't actually have a curve of 1/7 d:=28; A:=[1,4,7,7,9]; B := [[9,4,7,7]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // if we pretend the denom is [1,1,7,7] then // 4*t^12 + 4*t^10 + 4*t^9 + 4*t^8 + 4*t^7 + 4*t^6 + 4*t^4 [1,10,11,33,55,110], d := 110; A:=[1,10,11,33,55]; // emb 1/33(1,10,22) [2,9,11,33,44,99], // emb 1/44 [2,9,11,33,53,108], // emb 1/33 [2,9,11,33,55,110], // emb 1/33(2,9,22) [2,5,7,14,14,42], // curve of 1/7 with emb 3 x 1/14(2,5,7) [2,5,7,14,26,54], // curve of 1/7 with emb 1 x 1/14(2,5,7) but also 1/26(5,7,14) [2,5,14,14,35,70], // curve of 1/7 with emb 5 x 14/(2,5,7) [5,5,8,12,18,48], [5,5,17,18,45,90], // curve of 1/5(2,3) pure d:=90; A:=[5,5,17,18,45]; B:=[[17,1,5,11],[9,5,5,8]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // -t^9 - t^8 - 4*t^6 - t^4 - t^3 = -X + Y // deg Ga = 2, E2 = Oh(-17), E3 = Oh(-18), E2-E3 = Oh(1), its deg = 2 // a = 1; b := 2; [2,3,3,5,5,18], d := 18; A :=[2,3,3,5,5]; B:= [[3,2,2,2] : i in [1..6]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // 4*t^9 + t^8 + 6*t^7 + 4*t^6 + 6*t^5 + t^4 + 4*t^3 = 4X - Y // deg Ga = 1, E2 = Oh(-2), E3 = Oh(12), E2-E3 = Oh(-14), its deg = -14 // b := 1, a:= -1; [3,5,5,7,13,33], d := 33; A:=[3,5,5,7,13]; B:=[[7,3,5,6],[13,3,5,5]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // 7*t^9 + 2*t^8 + 10*t^7 + 8*t^6 + 10*t^5 + 2*t^4 + 7*t^3 // deg Ga = 1, E2 = Oh(-7), E3 = Oh(33-3-13) = Oh(17), E2-E3 = Oh(24), deg 24 [7,7,9,13,36,72], d:=72; A:= [7,7,9,13,36]; B:=[[9,7,7,4],[9,7,7,4],[13,7,9,10]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B); // -6*t^13 - 3*t^12 - 9*t^11 - 6*t^10 - 12*t^9 - 13*t^8 // - 12*t^7 - 6*t^6 - 9*t^5 - 3*t^4 - 6*t^3 These check out Ppc [1,6,7,7,15,36], d:=36; A:=[1,6,7,7,15]; B:=[[15,1,7,7],[3,1,1,1]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B) - Ppc(7,2,1); // 2*t^13+4*t^12+6*t^11+8*t^10+10*t^9+9*t^8+10*t^7+8*t^6+6*t^5+4*t^4+2*t^3 [1,6,7,7,21,42], d := 42; A:=[1,6,7,7,21]; B := []; B:=[[3,1,1,1]]; D := P(d,A) - PA(A) - Pb(B) - Ppc(7,1,2); // t^13+2*t^12+3*t^11+4*t^10+5*t^9+3*t^8+5*t^7+4*t^6+3*t^5+2*t^4+t^3