Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Term 2 2014/15

The Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm in B3.03. We also occasionally wander around the country to attend the COW seminar on Thursdays. All are welcome. This term most weeks were replaced by activities for the Symposium. See here for more details.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

7 January 2015 Christian Böhning (Hamburg) On the dynamical degree of birational self-maps of cubic fourfolds
14 January 2015
21 January 2015
28 January 2015 Andreas Krug (Warwick) Symmetric quotient stacks and Heisenberg actions
4 February 2015 See symposium activities
11 February 2015 See symposium activities
18 February 2015 Workshop on Geometry from Stability Conditions
25 February 2015 Ziyu Zhang (Bath) Holomorphic symplectic manifolds among moduli spaces of complexes on K3 surfaces
4 March 2015
Emilie Dufresne (Durham) Separating invariants and local cohomology
11 March 2015 See symposium activities
12 March 2015
4pm MS.03
Yoav Len (Saarbrucken) Algebraic rank for linear series on nodal curves

Last term's seminar schedule is available here.

Directions to the University are available here. The Mathematics institute is in the Zeeman Building, which is number 38 on the map available here. Warning: The University of Warwick is not in the town of Warwick, but on the outskirts of Coventry - the correct train stations are Coventry or Leamington Spa (closer if coming from Oxford).
This page is maintained by Diane Maclagan. It's an algebraic geometry seminar - of course you recognize the html.