Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Winter 2009

The Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Wednesday afternoons in B3.01. We also occasionally wander around the country to attend the COW seminar on Thursdays. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

7 October Miles Reid (Warwick) The baby proof of RR from an advanced perspective
14 October TBA Reading seminar on Resolution of Singularities
15 October Oxford (COW)
2:00 Tim Logvinenko (Liverpool) Reid's recipe and derived categories
3:45 Gregory Sankaran (Bath): Moduli of irreducible symplectic manifolds
21 October Extremal Laurent polynomials workshop
28 October Reading seminar.
4 November Singularity Day (12 - 5pm)
5 November Cambridge (COW)
2:00 Tamas Hausel (Oxford) Mirror symmetry, Langlands duality and the Hitchin system
4:00 Stephane Lamy (Warwick) Automorphisms of non compact surfaces
11 November David Holmes Reading seminar
18 November
3pm (Note unusual time)
Julius Ross (Cambridge) Constant scalar curvature orbifold metrics and stability of orbifolds through embeddings in weighted projective spaces
25 November Paul Johnson (Imperial) Hurwitz Theory and the Infinite Wedge
2 December
3 December Imperial (COW)
3:00 Simon Donaldson (Imperial) Algebro-geometric aspects of the Kahler-Einstein problem
4:15 Junmyeong Jang (Seoul) The semi-positivity theorem and the generic p-rank C
9 December Ethan Cotterill A tropical approach to rational curves on hypersurfaces

Still to be scheduled:

This page is maintained by Diane Maclagan. It's an algebraic geometry seminar - of course you recognize the html.