Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Fall 2008

The Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Wednesday afternoons. Note that the rooms vary from week to week. We also occasionally wander around the country to attend the COW seminar on Thursdays. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

Tom and Jerry and Sarkisov links
15 October B0.13 Samir Siksek (Warwick) Chabauty for symmetric powers of curves
22 October B3.02 No seminar - go to COW
23 October Oxford COW
Brent Doran (Oxford) Say XxA1 = An. Please solve for X ...
Sönke Rollenske (Imperial) Smoothing nodal Calabi-Yau n-folds
29 October B1.01 Al Kasprzyk (Kent) On the classification on toric log del Pezzo surfaces
5 November B1.01 2pm Kazushi Ueda (Osaka) Dimers, quivers, and toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds
B1.01 3:30pm Alvaro Nolla de Cellis (Warwick) Dihedral groups and G-Hilbert schemes
6 November London
Seminar Room 140
Huxley Building
2pm Yukinobu Toda (Tokyo) Noncommutative resolution, F-blowups and D-modules
4pm Matt Kerr (Durham) Algebraic K-theory and Local Mirror Symmetry
12 November B0.13 Moty Katzman (Sheffield) Frobenius maps on injective hulls and their applications
19 November B1.01 2:15pm Stephen Coughlan (Warwick) Extensions of a hyperelliptic K3 surface
26 November B1.01 Miles Reid (Warwick)
3 December B0.13

Still to be scheduled:

Moty Katzmann (Sheffield)

This page is maintained by Diane Maclagan. It's an algebraic geometry seminar - of course you recognize the html.