Speaker: Yong Hu (Fudan)
Title: On canonically polarized Gorenstein 3-folds satisfying
the Noether equality.
Abstract: We study canonically polarized Gorenstein 3-folds
with at most terminal singularities and satisfying K_X^3=\frac
43p_g(X)-\frac {10}3 and p_g(X) \ge 7. We characterize the
canonical maps of such 3-folds, describe a structure theorem for the
locally factorial ones and completely classify the smooth ones. New
examples of canonically polarized smooth 3-folds with K_X^3=\frac
43p_g(X)-\frac {10}3 and p_g(X) \ge 7 are constructed. These
examples are natural extensions of those constructed by M. Kobayashi.