Speaker: Vladimir Guletskii (Liverpool)
Title: Transcendence degree of algebraic cycles and non-trivial elements in Abel-Jacobi kernels
Abstract: In the talk I will give an overview of my recent
joint work with Sergey Gorchinskiy on constructing of non-trivial
elements in the Abel-Jacobi kernels for surfaces, threefolds and
higher-dimensional varieties. Our method relies upon an interplay
between algebraic cycles of non-zero transcendence degree (over the
primary subfield), and correspondences over complex numbers. In brief,
any algebraic cycle can be spread out over a base (defined over a
smaller field) giving a correspondence over complex numbers which is a
geometrical gadget with much more powerful Hodge characteristics. This
approach provides a relation between algebraic cycles of non-zero
transcendence degree in Abel-Jacobi kernels and the transcendental
part in cohomology. If the transcendental cohomology vanishes, say on
a surface, then a single algebraic cycle with big enough transcendence
degree controls the behaviour of the corresponding kernel at
large. These things fit well into the conjectural picture due to Green
and Griffiths on their construction of the Bloch-Beilinson filtration
on Chow groups.