Computing Tropical Varieties in Macaulay2

The Macaulay2 package Tropical.m2 and its additional Macaulay2 files are available here.

This package allows some tropical computations to be done in Macaulay2. The authors are: Carlos Améndola, Kathlén Kohn, Sara Lamboglia, Diane Maclagan, Ben Smith, Jeff Sommars, Paolo Tripoli, and Magdalena Zajaczkowska.

The package requires Macaulay2, which is available for free download here.
Some methods require the latest version of gfan, which is available for free download here.
Optional software for some of our methods is polymake (at least version 3.0), which is available for free download here.

All of these files except Polymake will shortly be available with the general release of Macaulay2.

Instructions for use:

Site maintained by Diane Maclagan. Last updated 29/10/17.