Math 114
Spring 2003

Course Description

This course is a continuation of Math 113, and covers more abstract linear algebra. Topics include canonical forms and Hermitian matrices.


Name Office E-mail Phone Office Hours
Diane Maclagan 380-382K 723-7824 TTh 10:45-12:00
F 11:00-12:00

Course Assistant

Name Office E-mail Office Hours
David Futer 380-380U1 M 12:00-2:00
W 12:00-2:00, 4:00-6:00

Course Time and Location

TTh 9:30-10:45 380-380D


Linear Algebra by Peter D. Lax. We will cover the first eight chapters of the text, skipping or summarizing those topics already covered in 113. If time remains, additional topics will depend on the interests of the class.


Midterm: There will be a take-home midterm due in class on Thursday, May 8. It will be handed out at the previous class meeting. If you have any conflicts with that date, you must discuss the problem with me at least a week beforehand.

Final Exam: Friday, June 6, 12:15-3:15. Location 380-380D.

If you will require any special accommodations for the exam please discuss them with me at least a week before the final.


There will be weekly homework assignments. Homework assignments, due dates, and solutions will be posted here. You are encouraged to work together on the exercises. Any graded assignment, though, should represent your own work. No late homework will be accepted under any circumstances. However, your lowest homework score will be dropped when computing your grade. You can hand in an improved version of any homework later in the quarter; this will not replace your previous homework grade, but will be taken into account for borderline grades.


Grades will be based on the following percentages.
Homework: 25%
Midterm: 25%
Final: 50%