Math 108
Fall 2002
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to combinatorics.
Course Assistant
Name |
Office |
E-mail |
Office Hours |
Joe Blitzstein |
380-381H | |
MW 1:30-3:30 and by appointment |
Course Time and Location
TTh 11-12:15 380-380D
A course in combinatorics by van Lint and Wilson. 2cd edition. CUP, 2001.
We will cover Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 of the text in order, plus
as many of 10,11,12, and 14 (in some order) as time allows. Specific
details of the next week's reading will be given in class.
Midterm: here will be a take-home midterm due on Thursday, October 31.
Final Exam: Wednesday, December 11, 7-10pm. Location TBA.
There will be weekly homework assignments. Homework assignments, due
dates, and solutions will be posted here.
You are encouraged to work together on the exercises. Any graded
assignment, though, should represent your own work. No late homework
will be accepted, but your lowest homework score will be dropped when
computing your grade. You can hand in an improved version of any
homework later in the quarter; this will not replace your previous
homework grade, but will be taken into account for borderline grades.
Grades will be based on the following percentages.
Homework: 25%
Midterm: 25%
Final: 50%