Seminars and Conferences
Current seminars
Upcoming conferences
Previous seminar series
- K-stability learning seminar Term 3, 2021/22.
- M_{0,n} learning seminar Term 1, 2021.
- Computations in ... seminar, Term 1, 2017/18.
- Log Geometry learning seminar, Term 1, 2017/18.
- Learning seminar on Flat surfaces, Term 1, 2 2015/16.
- Learning seminar on Intersection Theory, Term 1, 2014/15.
- Warwick
Tropical Day 2014
- Warwick-Edinburgh Spherical Varieties Seminar
- Warwick
Tropical Day 2013
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 2. 2012/13.
- Learning seminar on Buildings, Term 1, 2012/13.
- Learning seminar on Moduli of Abelian Varieties Seminar, Term 2, 2011/12.
- Warwick
Tropical Day
- Learning seminar on Okounkov Bodies, Term 1, 2011/12.
- Expository seminar on the Moduli
of Curves, Term 1, 2011/12 and Term 2, 2010/11.
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 3. 2010/11.
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 2. 2010/11.
- Tropical
Curves Reading Seminar Term 2, 2010/11
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 1. 2010/11.
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 3, 2009/10.
Combinatorics across Mathematics. Term 2
Term 3, 2009/10 (jointly
with John
- Learning seminar on Cox
Rings (Term 2, 2009/10).
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 2, 2009/10.
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 1. 2009/10.
- Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar Term 1. 2008/9.
- At Rutgers I ran a learning seminar on Tropical
Geometry in Fall 2005.
- At Stanford I organized the Algebraic Methods Seminar in 2003/4.
Some previous conferences
- Warwick Computational Algebraic Geometry Workshop March 2023.
- LMS-Bath Summer School on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry /
EMS/EWM Summer School on Tropical Moduli Spaces
Warwick Macaulay2 workshop
- Warwick Tropical Day
British Algebraic
Geometry Meeting (BRAG) September 2017.
Fields Institute Major
Thematic Programme on
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry.
AIM conference on Components of
Hilbert schemes, July 2010. Organized with Robin Hartshorne and Greg
conference on Combinatorial
challenges in toric varieties, April 2009. Organized with
Christian Haase (FU Berlin),
Joseph Gubeladze (San Francisco
- MSRI workshop Connections
for women: Algebraic Geometry and Related Fields, January 2009. Organized
with Jessica Sidman, Angela Gibney, Brendan Hassett, Sandor Kovacs, and Ravi Vakil.
Mini-Workshop on Projective Normality of Smooth Toric Varieties August
12-18, 2007. Organized with
Christian Haase (FU Berlin),
and Takayuki Hibi (Osaka).
See also the related Projective Normality page.
Special Session on Toric Varieties at the Rutgers AMS
meeting, October 2007. Organized with
Milena Hering (UConn).
Special Session on Combinatorial
Algebraic Geometry at the Stevens AMS
meeting in Hoboken, April 2007. Organized with
Angela Gibney (UGA).
At Stanford I organized the 4th and 8th biannual Bay Area Discrete Mathematics