CHARLIE ELLIOTT : Teaching 2009/10
Advanced Finite Elements
I am teaching this graduate course in the second term on Friday 14:00 -16:00
beginning 22 January 2010. The time has now changed to Monday 16:00 - 18:00.
Details may be found in
Lecture notes on FEM by Ivan Graham
A draft of my lecture notes may be found here
NAPDE lecture notes
I will add further material here to download as the term progresses.
Numerical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
In the second term I will teach a level 3 course on the numerical analysis
of PDEs. This course concerns finite element approximation of variational formulations
of boundary value problems and finite difference approximations of the diffusion equation.
Details may be found in
I will add further material here to download as the term progresses.
A draft of the lecture notes may be found here
NAPDE lecture notes
NAPDE Exercise Sheet 1
NAPDE Exercise Sheet 2
NAPDE Exercise Sheet 3
NAPDE Exercise Sheet 4
Classes: Tuesday 13:00 and 14:00 pm MS_05, Thursday 3:00 and 4:00 pm MS_03
I will lecture 4 times a week for the first three weeks of term.
I will be away for week 4.
Subsequently there will be a support class at 13:00 on Tuesday.
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